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Group Financial Controller

Schibsted Danmark

Job Description
Schibsted Media is the leading digital media division in Scandinavia and consists of a broad portfolio of brands such as VG, Aftenposten, E24, Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad, Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet and Omni. In addition, Schibsted’s news division has several digital niche products, with the podcast platform Podme among them. Our publications are renowned for their exceptional journalism, high editorial independence and strong digital development.

Group Financial Controller
As a Group Financial Controller you will contribute to controlling and reporting of Schibsted Media to Group Management and the Board. In addition, you will be responsible for assisting the organisation with complex accounting matters.

You will be responsible for coordinating with other teams in Finance and in other parts of Schibsted, and contribute and represent Group Financial Reporting in relevant projects.

The Group Financial Controller will report to the Head of Accounting and Consolidation. The position will be located in either Stockholm or Oslo, and it will require some travelling.

The Group Financial Controller is responsible for:

  • Consolidation and preparation of Schibsted Media’s internal reports and Annual Report
  • Support finance personnel in subsidiaries with solving accounting issues and closely collaborate with other related departments
  • Preparation of accounting memos and ensure IFRS compliance
  • Drive improvement and efficiencies
  • Support Head of Accounting and Consolidation with overall improvement initiatives

Who we are looking for
The ideal candidate should have:

  • Master’s degree in accounting, business, economics, finance, or a related field
  • Knowledge of IFRS
  • Significant operational experience with the consolidation process
  • Independently driven, but collaborative and easy to work with
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Fluency in English and Swedish or Norwegian

What we can offer

  • Empowerment to influence and contribute to the future growth of Finance in Schibsted Media
  • Work in an international environment
  • Excellent opportunities for further professional and personal development within Finance, or in the broader Schibsted Media organisation
  • Be part of an organisation where employees support, trust and cheer on each other; and an organisation embracing change, going for growth
  • Good work-life balance

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Line Floan Almli on phone: 90 67 60 75 or email: e-mail.

Work with great people
Josefin Pihl

AD Targeting Operations Specialist

"Schibsted is a workplace where no day is like the other and you get to work with talented colleagues in a creative environment."

Anton Assarsson

Head of Editorial, Schibsted Brand Studio

"To me, Schibsted is synonymous with creativity and results. Driving change through innovation, teamwork, and integrity."

Estelle Douglas

Head of Trade and Marketing

"At Schibsted Marketing Services you get to work with ambitious, smart and fun people experiencing the fast-moving changing media landscape."

Max Schuler

Director Brand Studio

"Schibsteds ability to inspire, develop and challenge is absolutely outstanding. Apart from that, we have a great company culture."

Josefin Pihl

AD Targeting Operations Specialist

"Schibsted är en arbetsplats där ingen dag är den andra lik och du får arbeta med begåvade kollegor i en kreativ miljö."

Anton Assarsson

Head of Editorial, Schibsted Brand Studio

"För mig är Schibsted synonymt med kreativitet och resultat. Att driva förändring genom innovation, lagarbete och integritet."

Estelle Douglas

Head of Trade and Marketing

"På Schibsted Marketing Services får du jobba med ambitiösa, smarta och roliga människor som upplever det snabbt föränderliga medielandskapet."

Max Schuler

Director Brand Studio

"Schibsteds förmåga att inspirera, utveckla och utmana är helt enastående. Bortsett från det har vi en fantastisk företagskultur."

Josefin Pihl

AD Targeting Operations Specialist

"Schibsted er en arbeidsplass hvor ingen dager er like og du får jobbe med talentfulle kollegaer i et kreativt miljø."

Anton Assarsson

Head of Editorial, Schibsted Brand Studio

"For meg er Schibsted synonymt med kreativitet og resultater. Endring drives av innovasjon, teamwork og integritet."

Estelle Douglas

Head of Trade and Marketing

"I Schibsted Marketing Services jobber du med ambisiøse, smarte og morsomme folk og tar del i medielandskapets raske endring."

Max Schuler

Director Brand Studio

"Schibsted sin evne til å inspirere, utvikle og utfordre er absolutt eksemplarisk. I tillegg har vi en god arbeidskultur."

Johanna Nilsen

Student Ambassador

"Being a student ambassador is a fun and flexible way to broaden your network while learning a lot about the Schibsted brand"

Emma Johansson

Student Ambassador

"No two days are alike as a student ambassador and that is what makes this job so much fun!"

Great Place to Work

  • Learn and develop within Learning Lab
  • 6000 fantastic colleagues in over 4 countries
  • Empowering body and mind with Schibsted Life
  • Career opportunities within the Schibsted family
  • We embrace diversity
  • Karriärmöjligheter inom Schibstedfamiljen
  • Var del av en mångfaldig, inkluderande arbetsplats
  • Personlig utveckling och lärande inom Learning Lab
  • Work with products that matter in peoples lives
  • Schibsted Life erbjuder fysisk och mental träning
  • Jobba med välkända produkter och tjänster
  • Bli del av mangfoldig, inkluderende arbeidsplass
  • Karrieremuligheter i Schibstedfamilien
  • Mer enn 5000 fantastiske kollegaer i 4 land
  • Styrke kropp og sinn med Schibsted Life
  • Jobb med anerkjente produkter og tjenester

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Schibsted Danmark

Wildersgade 8, 1408 København K

Schibsted is a family of digital brands with a mission to empower people in their daily lives. We do this by providing leading online marketplaces, building world-class media houses, and helping great companies scale.

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