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ICEpower a/s

Department: Finance

Job Type: Full Time

Job Location: Copenhagen Headquarters

  • Dansk
  • English

Med reference til CFO vil Debitor-/Kreditorbogholderen spille en central rolle i at håndtere vores økonomiske transaktioner, sikre nøjagtighed og opretholde integriteten af vores finansielle systemer. Stillingen giver en unik mulighed for selv at planlægge din dag, balancere arbejde og privatliv og trives i et støttende miljø, hvor der er plads til at være sig selv.

Du bliver en del af et team af dygtige fagfolk, der er globalt førende inden for komplekse audioløsninger. Ud over tallene vil du også indgå i et levende socialt miljø, hvor samarbejde og fællesskab vægtes højt. Vi tror på at skabe en arbejdsplads, der kombinerer professionel ekspertise med en kultur, der gør, at man glæder sig til at komme på arbejde.

Dine primære arbejdsopgaver
Som debitor-/kreditorbogholder vil du være ansvarlig for en række opgaver inden for debitor-, kreditor- og finansområdet.

På debitorsiden vil du stå for bogføring af debitorindbetalinger, håndtering af debitorrykning og kontakt med factoring-selskab samt søgning af kredit og samarbejde med Sales og Operations omkring kunder.

På kreditorsiden indebærer dine opgaver oprettelse og vedligeholdelse af kreditorkartotek, dialog med kreditorer – især EMS’er, og indlæsning samt matching af fakturaer til indkøbsordrer via Continia. Du vil også stå for kontering og godkendelse af kreditorbilag, klargøring af betalinger, ansvar for Expense Management (rejseudlæg) samt afstemning af kreditorudtog og opfølgning på åbne PO’er.

Inden for finans vil du hjælpe med bankafstemning og momsafstemning, støtte i månedsafstemning og årsafslutning samt udarbejdelse af materiale til revisionen. Derudover vil du, hvis du ønsker det, fungere som back-up på løn.

Hvem er du?
Du har styr på debet og kredit, og du arbejder struktureret og selvstændigt. Derudover forestiller vi os, at du har en relevant uddannelse inden for regnskab, f.eks. merkonom eller HA. Du er vant til at planlægge din dag og dine opgaver inden for deadlines, og du taler og skriver både dansk og engelsk flydende.

Hvad tilbyder vi?
Hos ICEpower træder du ind i en verden af lyd, teknologi og kreativitet. Vi tilbyder dig frihed til at planlægge din egen arbejdsdag og fleksibilitet til at arbejde hjemmefra. Du bliver en del af en social og dynamisk arbejdsplads, hvor vi værdsætter fællesskab og samarbejde. Derudover vil du opleve et innovativt miljø med dygtige kollegaer, der brænder for lyd og teknologi. Som en del af dit arbejde vil du også få muligheden for at være med på rejsen, når vi opgraderer til Business Central.

Lyder det som noget for dig?
Hvis du er interesseret i jobbet, skal du sende din ansøgning via career.icepoweraudio.com. Har du spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte Kim Evers-Thomsen på [email protected]. Bemærk venligst, at alle ansøgninger skal indsendes via vores karrieresiteVi ser frem til at høre fra dig – og til at byde dig velkommen til vores unikke verden i ICEpower!

The Role
Reporting to the CFO, the Accounts Receivable/Payable Accountant will play a central role in managing our financial transactions, ensuring accuracy, and maintaining the integrity of our financial systems. This position offers a unique opportunity to plan your day independently, balance work and personal life, and thrive in a supportive environment where you can be yourself.

You will become part of a team of skilled professionals who are global leaders in complex audio solutions. Beyond numbers, you will also engage in a vibrant social environment where collaboration and community are highly valued. We believe in creating a workplace that combines professional expertise with a culture that makes you look forward to coming to work.

Your Primary Responsibilities
As an Accounts Receivable/Payable Accountant, you will be responsible for various tasks across accounts receivable, accounts payable, and finance.

On the accounts receivable side, you will handle:

  • Posting accounts receivable payments.
  • Managing customer collections.
  • Communicating with the factoring company.
  • Conducting credit checks and collaborating with Sales and Operations regarding customers.

On the accounts payable side, your responsibilities will include:

  • Setting up and maintaining the creditor registry.
  • Communicating with creditors, especially EMS providers.
  • Importing and matching invoices to purchase orders via Continia.
  • Posting and approving supplier invoices.
  • Preparing payments.
  • Managing expense reports (travel reimbursements).
  • Reconciling supplier statements and following up on open purchase orders.

In the finance area, you will assist with:

  • Bank and VAT reconciliations.
  • Supporting month-end and year-end closings.
  • Preparing materials for audits.

If desired, you can also serve as a backup for payroll tasks.

Who Are You?
You have a solid grasp of debits and credits and work in a structured and independent manner. We imagine you have relevant accounting education, such as a diploma in business administration or a bachelor’s degree in economics. You are accustomed to planning your day and meeting deadlines, and you are fluent in both Danish and English, both spoken and written.

What Do We Offer?
At ICEpower, you’ll step into a world of sound, technology, and creativity. We offer you the freedom to plan your workday and the flexibility to work from home. You’ll be part of a social and dynamic workplace where community and collaboration are highly valued. Additionally, you’ll experience an innovative environment with talented colleagues who are passionate about sound and technology. As part of your role, you’ll also join us on our journey to upgrade to Business Central.

Does This Sound Like the Job for You?
If you’re interested, please send your application via career.icepoweraudio.com. For questions, feel free to contact Kim Evers-Thomsen at [email protected] or +45 xxxx xxxx. Please note that all applications must be submitted through our career site.

We look forward to hearing from you – and welcoming you to the unique world of ICEpower!

Audio Made Powerful
We create innovative and competitive products for the most prestigious audio brands and leaders in the audio industry. We are a global R&D center of excellence that exists to empower our partners with everything from specific modules to 100% custom-made and complete turnkey solutions (cradle to grave).

Audio is in our DNA, and we are found at the world’s most famous stadiums and concert halls while at the same time playing in the falling snow at winter sports events. We are at the local fitness club, the train station, or your favorite pub around the corner. We are lucky enough to work with audio, and every day, we get to amplify some of the most beautiful things in life – Music, communication, and entertainment!

ICEpower was established in 1999. We are 130 dedicated employees, of which 100 are engineers.

Being Part of ICEpower
By joining ICEpower, you become part of a diverse culture. Here we all bring value to work every day. We are not too proud to let someone know they did well or mention that “you are simply the best.” You can come to work in a t-shirt, rusty jeans, or your best suit, as long as you remember to bring your running shoes if you’d like to join in on a Monday run or bicycle event. We are serious when needed, we can laugh, and we hang out for a Friday beer. We have a relaxed atmosphere based on a shared trust that we are the best at what we do.

ICEpower is a company that partners with our customers and suppliers. We are mutually dependent. We trust that by giving our partners the best possible conditions, we aspire to become the winning team with the highest success.

Naturally, many of us are interested in music and the technical solutions leading to great sound. Some people put their heads down into the technical solutions while others use our stage to play a gig, enjoy our listening room, borrow our mobile discotheque, Soundbox, or the like for a private session. Whether you are a streamer, vinyl freak, or wish to dig into our library on music, you will feel at home in ICEpower.

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ICEpower a/s

Hovedkontor: Vandtårnsvej 62A, 3. b., 2860 søborg

Audio is in our DNA. We are found at the world’s most famous stadiums and concert halls while at the same time playing in the falling snow at winter sports events. We are at the local fitness club, the train station, or your favorite pub around the corner. We are lucky enough to work with audio, and every day, we get to amplify some of the most beautiful things in life – Music, communication, and entertainment!

Arbejdspladsen har lige nu 100 medabejdere med videregående uddannelsesbaggrund. I sidste periode ansatte de 2 færdiguddannede samt 8 studerende og praktikanter.

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