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Thesis Work for Enhancements of autonomous mobile unit using Model Predictive Control and computer vision



Thesis Work for Enhancements of autonomous mobile unit using Model Predictive Control and computer vision
Take your next career step at B&R – a member of the ABB Group – with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future. At B&R – a member of the ABB Group, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences. Join the automation team at B&R- a member of the ABB Group.
This position reports to
Maintenance Team Leader

Your role and responsibilities
Autonomous driving technologies have become a large area of research and development within robotics and mobile automation. To achieve this, a system must both be able to perceive its surroundings and perform well informed actions to autonomously navigate to its desired states. To display these technologies B&R Industrial Automation has a customer experience center in Malmö which aims to display how the company’s hardware components can be implemented within these areas. In the customer experience center, products suitable for customers in the field of mobile automation are showcased using two vehicles—a digger and a truck—that emulate a mining operation. These vehicles are controlled over Bluetooth, with commands entered via an operator Human-Machine Interface (HMI) or autonomously using computer vision and a MPC-controller. The hauler truck moves through four distinct stages during an operating cycle: loading, identification, weighing, and unloading. This project will focus on augmenting the existing autonomous system with further development within the computer vision system and the MPC formulation, with the end goal of improving the hauler trucks maneuverability within the demonstration area. Prerequisites: • Experience in Python • Experience with Linear and non-linear MPC • Bonus if experienced within machine learning and computer vision. Desired project outcomes/ Our expectations: • A robust perception solution, capable of tracking the hauler truck and identifying possible obstacle locations. • A MPC framework capable of handling trajectory tracking and avoid static obstacles effectively within a simulated mining operation. • An improved motion model that includes the relative angle of joint, leading to better control of articulated vehicles during complex operations. Details: • Jan-June • 30Hp • 1-2 students • Location not specified. Preferably Malmö

Qualifications for the role

  • Engineering of Science; computer, robotics, mechanical, automation etc

More about us
ABB's Machine Automation Division, also known to our customers as B&R, is an innovative automation company headquartered in Austria with additional offices around the world. B&R became part of ABB's Robotics & Discrete Automation division in 2017 and, together with the ABB Robotics division, employs more than 11,000 people at over 100 locations in more than 53 countries. As a leading global provider of automation solutions, B&R develops, produces and sells industrial electronics, software solutions and mechatronic solutions as well as technologies for machine and factory automation. Since 2020, B&R's automation portfolio has also included Codian brand delta robots. With its innovative solutions, B&R sets new standards and consistently exceeds its customers' expectations. More information: Hanna Hermansson, [email protected] 070-2168862, will answer your questions. Positions are filled continuously. Apply with your CV, academic transcripts and a cover letter in English via ABB career page. We value people from different backgrounds. Could this be your story? Apply today or visit www.abb.com to read more about us and learn about the impact of our solutions across the globe. #MyABBStory #Li-onsite

Stockholm, Sweden

Mölndal, Sweden

Malmö, Sweden

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