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Senior Environmental Advisor

Cetec Energy

Senior Environmental Advisor


Onshore, Esbjerg

Job description
Working as a Consultant for Cetec Energy at a Danish Oil & Gas Company.

Scope of work

  • Manage the preparation and submission of various EIA documentation
  • Prepare and submit small Environmental Statements
  • Oversee / support ENV team peers who may assist with preparing EIA documentation
  • Oversee and collaborate with external consultants in their preparation of larger Environmental Impact Screening and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
  • documentation
  • Communicate with Project team members, participate in Project progress meetings and integrate environmental requirements into the overall Project
  • Technically review consultant drafts and coordinate final document completion for submission to the regulator
  • Revise documents in response to regulator and stakeholder comments
  • Advise and integrate with senior management on environmental project delivery and performance
  • Communicate with the regulatory authorities and coordinate the passage of EIA documentation through the regulatory environmental approval process
  • Communicate with stakeholders and respond to environmental issues that may arise
  • Collaborate with HQ, other Company affiliates and other ENV team members to develop environmental and biodiversity information suitable for EIAs, environmental performance reporting and environmental management.


  • Assist with the external environmental consultant tendering process, e.g., identifying suitable consultants and reviewing tenders
  • Provide technical input into key documents, as identified in the Company Management System
  • Communicate the importance of the EIA process to the wider Company audience (e.g., through presentations)


  • Coordinate environmental approval from the regulatory authorities for Company to undertake its development, production and decommissioning activities help maintain company license to operate
  • Collaborate with Project teams and senior management, as required
  • Communicate and maintain positive relationships with regulatory authorities to facilitate the approvals process
  • Integrate Company rules into EIA to meet Company standards and to maintain consistency across Company affiliates
  • Address stakeholder environmental issues, as part of Company transparency and responsibility to its stakeholders
  • Support other ENV team members with its wider HSE responsibilities, as directed

Background/Qualification/Experience required
The role requires strong critical thinking, planning and reporting skills in a particular field of expertise. The preferable qualifications and experience are as follows:

  • University Degree in technical field, preferably Environmental Science, Ecology or Biology
  • Danish language skills considered a plus
  • Minimum 10 years of experience in EIA and environmental management, including experience with:
    • The marine environment and offshore development projects
    • Planning, coordinating, preparing, and reviewing environmental impact assessments
    • Managing external environmental consultants to meet contractual requirements and to deliver a product
    • Communicating with regulatory authorities, multi-disciplinary project teams, peers and stakeholders
    • National and international environmental legislation, sufficient to understand and to provide robust advice on the Danish regulatory environmental assessment and approval process
  • Strong organizational, time management, analytical, problem solving, oral and written communication and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent computer skills with proficiency in the use of Word, Excel and PowerPoint. The ability to work under limited supervision

Contact information
Any questions regarding the position, please contact Dan Guldbrandt Hansen (mobile: +45 2220 3211)

Please send your application today if you are up for new challenges.

Application and CV must be sent via our website www.ce-tec.dk .

Interested? Don’t hesitate - applications are processed on an ongoing basis!

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Cetec Energy

Hovedkontor: Kirkegade 9, 2, 6700 Esbjerg

Vi tilbyder kvalificeret arbejdskraft inden for diverse tekniske discipliner, for Ce-Tec ønsker at hjælpe vores kunder med at dække deres behov for kvalificeret arbejdskraft i korte eller længerevarende perioder. Derfor tilbyder vi fleksible løsninger kombineret med minimal administration. Virksomheden har specialiseret sig omkring specielle knowhow og innovative løsninger baseret på hands-on erfaringer, hvilket har ført til et DNA bestående af ”Viden, Kvalitet & Sikkerhed”.

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