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MEAL Assistant

DRC - Dansk Flygtningehjælp

Danish Refugee Council, one of the world’s leading humanitarian NGOs, we are excited to invite you to join our team as a MEAL Assistant. If you are a skilled and motivated professional ready to make a difference, we want you on board! Together, we’ll work to deliver impactful humanitarian solutions in challenging environments.

About the job
The AHEAD MEAL Assistant (Akobo and Pibor) will lead in the generation of a robust evidence base for the AHEAD Project which will inform advocacy and communications activities intended to raise the profile of AHEAD and anticipatory action programming focused on conflict-induced displacement in South Sudan, the East Africa and Great Lakes (EAGL) region, and globally. The MEAL activities will include routine output monitoring, quantitative and qualitative data collection with target communities, the facilitation of learning reviews with project staff, maintenance of project community feedback channels, the production of audio-visual content following the provision of related training, and the production of key activation-based and periodic MEAL reports using provided templates.


  • Consolidate and review Means of Verification (MoV) documentation.
  • Aggregate and input output values into the Indicator Tracking Table (ITT).

Quantitative Data Collection

  • Translate quantitative tools provided by HQ.
  • Train and supervise enumerators for data collection (phone-based or in-person).
  • Assist with preliminary data cleaning and translation for specific response categories.

Qualitative Data Collection

  • Design and translate qualitative tools (e.g., FGD, IDI/KII guides).
  • Conduct qualitative data collection (FGD, IDI/KII).
  • Train female data collectors, particularly for protection-related roles.
  • Clean and analyze qualitative data using tagging or coding software (e.g., Taguette).


  • Facilitate after-action reviews and other learning sessions.
  • Present MEAL findings to HQ and South Sudan teams, including SMT.
  • Support internal/external evaluations, including midterm and endline reviews.
  • Analyze and communicate MEAL findings externally.

Audio-Visual Content

  • Capture and produce audio-visual materials according to HQ standards.

Community Feedback

  • Implement community engagement and feedback mechanisms.
  • Support the Community Feedback Mechanism by registering, processing, and following up on complaints.


  • Ensure data handling aligns with GDPR and ethical standards.
  • Apply accountability frameworks and adhere to DRC’s Code of Conduct and protection protocols.

Key Outputs

  • Post-activation reports.
  • Lessons learned and case studies reports.
  • Community feedback and complaints dashboard.
  • Audio-visual content, including captioned photographs and subtitled video interviews

Experience and technical competencies:
a) Essential

  • Minimum 1-2 years of relevant work experience in social work, community development, non-governmental organizations, or civil society
  • Experience with MEAL as well as with working with with NGOs and/or the humanitarian sector
  • Understanding of and ability to work with data collection software, preferably Kobo Toolbox, COMM care, ArcGIS, ODK, SurveyCTO, Taguette, NVivo, and others as relevant.
  • Strong familiarity with qualitative data collection and analysis techniques.
  • Basic knowledge of data analysis practices and tools and perform data quality control.
  • Good understanding of Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) and ability to apply accountability and ethical standards in everyday work.
  • Good skills in supporting organizational learning in programs.
  • Facilitation and training skills with diverse audiences of NGO practitioners.
  • Ability to engage with partners and/or a partnership model of working, when relevant
  • Experience of working in insecure environments
  • Competencies to work and deliver under pressure, within time constraints, and to manage job priorities.
  • Good skills in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Office365.
  • Ability to think critically and apply critical thinking at work.
  • Demonstrated interest and ability to learn.
  • Good verbal and written communication skills.


  • At least 4 years of experience in the humanitarian or development sectors
  • Formal training in partnerships/localization
  • Familiarity working in insecure environments
  • Comfortable in a multi-cultural environment, flexible and able to handle pressure well.
  • Good knowledge of anticipatory action on conflicts and displacement in South Sudan, and the relevant INGO’s, NGO’s, UN, Governmental institutions, and Donor.


Location: Pibor 1 Position and Akobo ( 1Position)

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DRC - Dansk Flygtningehjælp

Hovedkontor: Borgergade 10, 1300 København K

Dansk Flygtningehjælp hjælper flygtninge og internt fordrevne overalt i verden: Vi giver akut nødhjælp, kæmper for deres rettigheder og styrker deres fremtidsmuligheder. Vi er til stede i konfliktområderne, langs flugtruterne og dér, hvor flygtningene bosætter sig. Vi samarbejder med de lokale samfund om ansvarlige og bæredygtige løsninger. Vi arbejder for en vellykket integration og – når det er muligt – for, at flygtninge og fordrevne kan få opfyldt ønsket om at vende hjem.

Arbejdspladsen har lige nu 500 medabejdere med videregående uddannelsesbaggrund. I sidste periode ansatte de 10 færdiguddannede samt 25 studerende og praktikanter.

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