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PhD Fellowship as part of the research project ‘Syndemics of Loneliness in Old Age: An Ethnographic Inquiry into Causes and Handling of Feeling Lonely

Roskilde Universitet (RUC)

Section of Health and Society, Roskilde University is inviting applications for one three-year PhD scholarship commencing 1 August 2025 or as soon as possible hereafter. We are looking for a PhD candidate with a background in anthropology, critical health studies, sociology or related fields and preferably with experience in ethnography who is motivated to undertake doctoral research as part of a collaborative project on loneliness in old age (SOLO) funded by the Danish Research Council (DFF).

Description of the PhD project
SOLO investigates loneliness in old age by integrating perspectives from professional care workers and lived experiences to ethnographically study how loneliness is navigated, alleviated, and experienced in the daily lives of older individuals. SOLO seeks to develop a theoretical framework that acknowledges loneliness as a concept encompassing both positive and negative dimensions, thereby cautioning against its overmedicalization. Through fieldwork involving both professionals and older adults, SOLO examines potential discrepancies between the professional gaze and the subjective experiences and contextual factors influencing individuals’ perceptions of loneliness. Ultimately, SOLO aims to reconceptualize loneliness by providing nuanced insights into its underlying causes, informing future strategies for addressing and preventing loneliness in old age.

The PhD candidate is expected undertake an independent research project aligned with the overall research agenda of SOLO. The candidate will design and conduct an ethnographic study exploring experiences of loneliness through extensive fieldwork. The research will focus on the everyday lives of older adults, examining both social interactions and moments of solitude. It will investigate how feelings of loneliness are interpreted, negotiated, and expressed in daily life. The candidate will conduct narrative-based interviews on perceived loneliness (Mattingly, 1998) and supplement these with informal conversations and fieldnotes from observations. A key aspect of the study will be distinguishing between the lived experience of being alone versus being lonely, as well as exploring the moral dimensions of aging. Additionally, the research will assess how the medicalization of loneliness influences older adults’ everyday lives.

Applicants are expected to outline a proposed research design for the PhD study as part of the application (see details below). The proposed PhD project should allow the PhD candidate to explore syndemics of loneliness from the older persons’ perspectives and critically assess the associated implications for research. The project should fall within the general framework of ethnography and preferably engage in current anthropological and sociological discussions of loneliness in old age. This means that we welcome projects that include e.g. participant observation and life-story interviews. Theoretically, the PhD project should contribute to the host project’s understanding of syndemics, medicalization and other relevant theoretical frameworks with potential implications for how we conceptualize loneliness. Projects that take a critical approach to loneliness and propose alternative theoretical or methodological frameworks are encouraged.The PhD thesis must be written in English but can take the form of a monograph, or it can be a compilation of articles, depending on the nature of the proposed project and the preferences of the successful candidate.

The successful PhD candidate will also undertake a three-month research stay at Oxford Brookes University, UK. Dr. Jason Danely, a leading scholar in aging, will serve as a co-supervisor and host the candidate during this research exchange.

The specific focus and details of the project will be decided in collaboration with the project PI, based on the ideas presented in the PhD project description and the overall research interests of the SOLO project. The PhD student will be supervised by associate professor Alexandra Jønsson and co-supervised by professor Karen Christensen.

The project is led by Associate Professor Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson (PI).

The Doctoral School
You will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University.

The Doctoral School for People and Technology frames research that seek to address sustainability often by applying experimental approaches and situating the individuals active and learning involvement. The research comprises approaches of a human, societal, health and information technological character and often applying planning, interventions and design-oriented subject areas.

Read more here https://ruc.dk/en/doctoral-school-people-and-technology

Responsibilities and tasks
The PhD position is an educational position, and the main tasks are in accordance with chapter 3, Ministerial Order on the PhD Programme at the Universities and Certain Higher Artistic Educational Institutions (https://ufm.dk/en/legislation/prevailing-laws-and-regulations/education/files/engelsk-ph-d-bekendtgorelse.pdf)

You must hold a master’s degree or equivalent within anthropology, sociology, critical health studies or similiar. Qualifications within the following areas are required

  • Experience with ethnographic methods
  • Strong theoretical skills
  • A genuine interest in aging and loneliness
  • Critical thinking
  • Excellent communication skills in Danish and English

We also emphasize the following qualifications:

  • Published peer reviewed works
  • Experience with research on aging or loneliness or other relevant areas

You are required to be enterprising and to possess good communication skills and to be a visible, involved participant in the department’s daily activities, in addition to being willing to engage in disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration across the department.

In the assessment regarding employment consideration will be given to;

  • Relevant Master’s degree or equivalent (according to Danish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education: https://ufm.dk/en/education/recognition-and-transparency/transparency-tools/qualifications-frameworks/other-qualifications-frameworks/danish-qf-for-higher-education?set_language=en&cl=en).
  • Any additional academic requirements stated in the job advertisement.
  • In the assessment regarding enrollment consideration will also be given to the following criteria:
  • Educational skills and any further professional qualifications
  • Grades at Master’s programme or equivalent
  • Quality and relevance of the project description
    • Considerations regarding methodological and theoretical aspects shall be included in your project description
    • Your project description shall be no more than 3 pages (excl. references and timetable)
  • Quality and relevance of the methodical and theoretical choices
  • Consistency and coherence between the problem and the choice of method and theory
  • If the PhD project seem realistic and feasible
  • Ability to complete the PhD project
  • Relevance of the described project to the SOLO project

For further information about the position, please contact PI associate professor Alexandra Jønsson by mail: ajoensson@ruc.dk or tel. (+45) 2625 3624

Terms of employment
The employment is limited to three years, full time (37 hours per week) and you will refer to Acting Dean at IMT, Peter Kjær.

The position will be filled according to the Agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC) and Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities.

Application procedure
After the deadline for applications the Dean will shortlist applicants for assessment with assistance from the recruitment committee including the chairperson of the assessment committee.

Shortly after the application deadline all applicants will be notified whether or not their application has been selected for assessment.

The shortlisted applicants will be informed about the composition of the assessment committee, and each applicant will be given the opportunity to comment on the composition of the committee and - later on - their assessment.

Once the recruitment process is completed, all applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application.

To apply for the position go to www.ruc.dk/en/job/

Only applications in English are accepted.

Applications must include:

1. Cover letter

2. CV

3. Documentation of education including grades from Master’s programme or equivalent

4. Your description of the PhD project

5. Your time schedule of the PhD project

6. If applicable: Documentation for any research experience, work experience or publications.

Please submit your application no later than March 30, 2025.

Material received after this date will not be taken into consideration.

Roskilde University wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.


Location: Roskilde Universitet

Application deadline: 30 Mar 2025

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