Cand. mag. i Humaniora med en indgående interesse for administration, kommunikation og projekt koordination. Jeg er struktureret, detaljeorienteret og kan samtidig holde overblikket over komplekse sammenhænge. Jeg søger en stilling, hvor jeg kan bruge mine faglige kompetencer og dansk sprogfærdigheder på daglig basis.

tekstforfatter content writer PA kommunikation administration Engelsk lærer English teacher  

Opdateret 28. december 2022
Min uddannelse
2020 - 2022

MSc, International Public Relations

Aalborg Universitet

  • International and Refugee Law
  • International Relations
  • Global Development
  • Migrant Integration - Danish labour market
  • Human Rights

  • Master´s Thesis: "International Degree Mobility. A Case Study of Slovak Graduates of Danish Tertiary Education and their Positioning in the Danish Labour Market"
    Uddannelsesområde: Samfundsvidenskab
    Periode: september 2020 - november 2022
    2013 - 2016


    Syddansk Universitet (SDU)

    MA in American Studies

  • Profound knowledge of American politics, history, culture and literature
  • Academic and business writing (copywriting, proofreading, editing, content curation)
  • Communication & Social Media skills
  • Project & event management

  • Master´s Thesis: "The Burned-Over District Revival, New York. Impact of Revivalism on the Abolition of Slavery and the Recognition of Women´s Rights in Antebellum America"
    Uddannelsesområde: Humaniora
    Periode: september 2013 - juni 2016
    2010 - 2013

    BA i Engelsk og Internationale Studier (SIS)

    Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

  • English linguistics
  • Translation and interpretation
  • Education: Teaching, tutoring, research
  • Intercultural communication (the USA and Great Britain) and integration
  • Problem-solving and negotiation skills
  • Profound knowledge of British and American politics, history, literature, culture and society

  • • Bachelor´s Thesis: "William Tyndale and Sir Thomas More: A 16th Century Conflict and Debate"
    Uddannelsesområde: Humaniora
    Periode: september 2010 - juni 2013
    Mine kompetencer
    american studies development english linguistics hr international relations labour market integration leadership project management refugee studies
    Sprog på arbejdsniveau
    danish english slovak
    Mine præferencer
    Deltidsjob Event Freelance Fuldtidsjob Graduate/trainee Ph.d. & forskning Praktikplads Vikariat
    Administration Forskning & Udvikling Human Resources Kommunikation, Media & SoMe Ledelse & Planlægning Organisation & Forening Politik & Samfund Projektledelse Rådgivning & Support Topledelse Undervisning
    Fyn Storkøbenhavn Sydøstjylland Sønderjylland Vestsjælland Østjylland (Aarhus) Østsjælland
    40.000 DKK / måned
    Kontakt mig!