I have worked for several years in aerospace research and development, first at the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) and later in the Space section at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).


Opdateret 15. marts 2019
Min uddannelse
1993 - 1996

ph.d. (alm.)

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU

Uddannelsesområde: Matematik, Fysik & Nano
Periode: oktober 1993 - oktober 1996
Min erhvervserfaring
2013 - 2017


Virksomhedsnavn skjult

I have developed simulation tools which make it possible to propagate electromagnetic waves through the atmosphere and ionosphere (plasma) using parabolic methods (and ray tracing) and then carry out a retrieval of geophysical parameters such as refractivity and temperature.
I have developed light scattering software.
Arbejdsområde: Forskning & Udvikling
Periode: juni 2013 - april 2017
Mine kompetencer
matlab programming optics development project management software development wave propagation
Sprog på arbejdsniveau
Mine præferencer
Fuldtidsjob Ph.d. & forskning
Data & Analyse Forskning & Udvikling IT - Software Naturvidenskab
Nordsjælland Storkøbenhavn
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