Jeg er loyal, procesorienteret og kvalitetsbevidst. Min stabilitet og ansvarsbevidsthed har ført til flere ledende ansvarsopgaver i mine jobs og bragt mig ud på det internationale marked, hvor jeg har vist mine evner til at være åben, omstillingsparat, fleksibel og mobil i forhold til kunder, virksomhed og kollegaer.

Opdateret 04. april 2019
Min uddannelse
2007 - 2011

Anden mellemlang videregående udd.

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU

Kemi- og Bioteknologi Ingeniør
Uddannelsesområde: Kemi, Biotek & Materialer
Periode: august 2007 - juni 2011
Min erhvervserfaring
2018 - nu

Produkt specialist

Metrohm Nordic ApS


  • Work tasks:
  • Be a product specialist with in the field of Titration with a deeper understading of the new Titration platform OMNIS. Introduce the OMNIS platform to the Danish marked. Receive and conduct orders coming from customers. Have the knowledge and have responsibilities about "Offentlige udbud"

  • Results:
  • o Promote and publicise the OMNIS Titration platform to customers from around Denmark
    o Successfully receive the first order and install the first OMNIS platform with in Metrohm Nordic contries
    o Conduct seminars with in the field of titration
    Arbejdsområde: Rådgivning & Support
    Periode: marts 2018 - nu
    2011 - 2018

    Senior Drilling Fluid Engineer

    Schlumberger Danmark A/S

    North Sea
  • Work tasks: Provide on-site service to the operator. This means measuring, testing and supervise when different drilling fluid systems is being used. Another part of the job is planning and have an eye on the logistic on-site during operations like casing and liner runs, cement jobs, displacements, etc.

  • Offshore areas worked: Denmark, Norway, Nederlands

    Work types: Exploration, Development, HTHP, Completion

    Operators worked for: Maersk Oil&Gas, Statoil, RWE, ONE, Lundin, GDF, ConocoPhillips, Hess, Dong

  • Results:
  • o Successfully build and drill with different drilling fluids systems in different fields like Tyra and Ekofisk.
    o Problem solve successfully at challenging wells (HTHP wells and Extended reach wells)
    o Increased customer satisfaction with our products, among others; Mærsk, Statoil, ConocoPhillips and more..
    o Increased safety understanding among the crew on different rigs about PPE when handling chemicals and drilling fluids.
    o Be on fairs with Schlumberger recruitment team and acquire new employees.
    o Be teaching drilling fluid theories to external operators (Mærsk, and different crews for ConocoPhillips, Statoil, etc.) and internal employees.
    o Have leading responsibility for the drilling fluid and the logistic as a senior on the rig.
    o Have leading responsibility when operations like displacements and clean ops. are ongoing.
    o Work internationally as an example The Nederlands and Norway and take courses in USA and France.
    Arbejdsområde: Produktion
    Periode: december 2011 - februar 2018
    2008 - 2011

    QC Laborant

    Haldor Topsøe A/S

    Sep. 08 – Dec. 11 Work as a Lab Technician in weekends and on holidays
  • Work tasks:
  • QC by physical and chemical testing of samples and products in production. Testing by physical measuring and titration, spectrophotometry,XRF, ICP and HBET.... Se mere

    Engineering internship, Microscopy Department R&D Division
    aug. 2009 – dec. 2009
    Ansættelsens varighed
    5 mdr.
    Analysis specialist
  • Work tasks:
  • o Emit catalysts in epoxy for preparation for testing
    o Perform tests for R&D on different catalysts on electron microscope and write reports on same.

  • Results:
  • o Successfully test different products for R&D.
    Arbejdsområde: Naturvidenskab
    Periode: september 2008 - november 2011
    Mine kompetencer
    ingen angivet
    Sprog på arbejdsniveau
    dansk engelsk
    Mine præferencer
    Forskning & Udvikling Naturvidenskab
    Nordsjælland Storkøbenhavn Vestsjælland Østsjælland
    Kontakt mig!