Business Analyst/ Interim CTO/ Java Programmer / Technical Lead /Strategist I am an Italian man and have been working since 1999 with analysis, develop and ownership of Java based systems. I worked with quality assurance before 1997.

backend requirements java apache kafka cassandra bpel BPML FMEA unit testing test management quality assurance undervisning  

Opdateret 23. april 2019
Min uddannelse
2006 - 2006

Kurser, efteruddannelse og andet

Anden uddannelsesinstitution i Danmark

Requirements management
Uddannelsesområde: IT
Periode: august 2006 - oktober 2006
- nu

MSc, Software Systems Engineering

Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet

Uddannelsesområde: IT
Periode: - nu
1992 - 1993

Anden kort videregående udd.

Anden uddannelsesinstitution i Danmark

Quality management for Quality Experts
Uddannelsesområde: Administration
Periode: oktober 1992 - maj 1993
Min erhvervserfaring
2017 - nu

Coach, Analyst, Developer

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Image Systems Motion offers solutions for motion analysis of images. Its clients are
within Defense, Automotive and R&D industries.

Consultancy and continuous day to day discussions about:
Estimation of project times costs and resource planning
Reuse of existing functionality or patterns
Recommendations and best practice about multiple technical issues

Gathered non functional requirements and designed the module for application infrastructure (logging, monitoring, diagnostics)
Engaged with the QA team and generated test data: analyze needs, design and provide test data for test runs in different environments. Identification of improvement opportunities for both test data and work processes.
Help the development team to migrate the software from C++ to Java 8.
Mentoring each one of the developers and architects with best practices for
Execution of structured written code reviews of the whole code base.
Arbejdsområde: Data & Analyse
Periode: april 2017 - nu
2013 - 2017

Analyst and Software Engineer

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Development of a RESTful web services API: I developed the transmission of data from data sources via HTTP to a back-end. I developed the mapping from incoming data and the storage into a Postgres and Cassandra database and data transit through Kafka nodes. I also implemented caching of web services. Also Unit testing.

Modelling of database and implementation on a Postgres instance. Unit testing of the database.

Unit testing and Verification of distributed computing infrastructure.
Work within a fully asynchronous message system built with Kafka.
Data producers send data to a flexible number of consumers that deliver messages to different sorts of SQL and NoSQL databases.
I developed the unit tests of core parts of this system like initialization and message delivery. I re-factored in Java some of the data pullers that are within the Kafka clusters.
I developed the subsystems that did validation of correctness of routing of data of the Kafka infrastructure. I developed tools for analysis and detection of main failures of components of the Kafka infrastructure.

Evaluation of third-party tools for deriving software metrics from our system. Analysis of feasibility and compatibility with our solution. Written User cases about metrics support.

Development from scratch of metrics support server features.
All the parts of the server infrastructure(REST engine,Kafka clusters, Cassandra, Tomcat, Postgres) are data sources, that is they send diagnostic data about their own state and health. The Graphite system is based on python and receives this data as a data sink and saves it in time series format in its embedded database.
I developed a bridge between the data sources and the data sink. I had also to update the configuration of Kafka and Cassandra and all other components of the distributed infrastructure. I had to install a lot of python libraries on the server.

Porting of the software development environment from a Mac to a Windows based one.
I installed Kafka, Cassandra, Postgres, Zookeeper, Tomcat in windows. I made scripts for them to run correctly. I installed and configured Eclipse so that it could run the Tomcat server towards Kafka, Cassandra, PostgreSql, Zookeeper and the developer could see these applications sending their data from the Eclipse console.

Simulation of data transfer operations through the distributed computing infrastructure: I programmed in Java the simulation of sending data through Kafka nodes to the various data consumers. I generated a synthetic work load to stress the infrastructure with a realistic usage.
Arbejdsområde: IT - Software
Periode: januar 2013 - marts 2017
2006 - 2008

System Analyst

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Unification and standardization of ID: I acted as the liaison between IT and other processes to ensure consistent sharing and interoperability on common identity fields between multiple departments and databases. Many departments had created their own way to defining access to data and how this access should be identified. The purpose of this activity was that to align and set a common global vision for how applications and data are managed and defined.
'User analysis' and 'Task analysis for interface design' early in the development phase.
I took the initiative and visited users of our software at their sites. My supervisor received a letter of congratulations from the customer department for this initiative.
Analyzed and developed a Diagnostics subsystem: a large inter-departmental project of software development and integration.
Liaised with internal and external stakeholders.
Written specification of requirements, functional specification and tests.
Implemented encrypted delivery of data among servers and databases.
Arbejdsområde: IT - Software
Periode: juni 2006 - september 2008
2001 - 2006

Java Developer

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Acted as developer, architect and project leader depended on the solution I was involved with.
Development and troubleshooting with large and smaller software solutions.
I utilized my command of Java for the development of parts of a huge and complex n-tiered system. Coordinated with consultants from five external companies. This allowed me to learn tools and abilities very fast. Achieved to deliver consultant level quality while being an internal.
I utilized my excellent analysis skills for requirement analysis, generated models, specifications
Provided architecture, prototype ,development, requirement analysis ,design and modeling of all tiers and parts of a medium size 3-tiered Java based end-to-end system: a tool that prints information when cell telephones are repaired.
Coordinated with project leaders for rolling out of the solution.
This afore mentioned application was owned by a department at another site. The move of this application to my hands was politically complex and no support was given. The project was also interrupted for lack of resources during a crisis. When resumed I successfully finalized it and delivered it to my department.
Arbejdsområde: IT - Software
Periode: oktober 2001 - maj 2006
1998 - 2001

Market Development

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Representative for the Italian market web presence of the CAD products of the
Swedish-Japanese company KOZO.
Arbejdsområde: Eksport
Periode: januar 1998 - juni 2001
1991 - 1994

Quality Assurance Engineer

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

In charge for Quality control and assurance at a molding plastic factory that underwent fast growth from 15 to 50 employees. Planned for quality control of procured components and materials and executed FMEA. Document output: Documentation of internal procedures according to ISO 9000 series; Plans of internal quality inspections.
Arbejdsområde: Teknik
Periode: januar 1991 - december 1994
Mine kompetencer
american association for quality (member)
Sprog på arbejdsniveau
ingen angivet
Mine præferencer
Deltidsjob Event Freelance Fuldtidsjob Ph.d. & forskning Vikariat
Bank & Forsikring Data & Analyse Eksport Forskning & Udvikling Indkøb Internet & Multimedia IT - Netværk & Telekomm. IT - Software Kommunikation, Media & SoMe Ledelse & Planlægning Marketing & Reklame Naturvidenskab Politik & Samfund Projektledelse Rådgivning & Support Teknik Topledelse Transport & Logistik Undervisning
Storkøbenhavn Udlandet (Sverige) Udlandet (øvrige)
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