BA i Global Business Informatics
Anden uddannelsesinstitution i Danmark
Showcased expertise in digital marketing, analytics, and e-commerce strategies
Executed hands-on projects to devise innovative solutions for practical business dilemmas
Collaborated with industry professionals and peers to bolster proficiency in digital business management
Implemented state-of-the-art technologies and tools to propel business expansion and achievement
Cand.scient. i Matematik og Datalogi
Anden uddannelsesinstitution i Danmark
Utilized statistical methods and tools to analyze complex data sets, identifying trends and patterns for improved decision-making processes.
Collaborated with classmates on real-world case studies to develop innovative solutions for data-related challenges faced by companies, showcasing strong teamwork and problem-solving skills.
Applied predictive modeling techniques to forecast future business outcomes, resulting in data driven
recommendations that positively impacted company performance.
Anden kort videregående udd.
Anden uddannelsesinstitution i Danmark
Successfully completed coursework in financial statement analysis, budgeting, and investment strategies
Anden kort videregående udd.
Anden uddannelsesinstitution i Danmark
Completed coursework in telecommunications fundamentals, networking technologies, and wireless
Developed a comprehensive understanding of business strategies and practices within the telecommunications industry.
BSc. Business Administration
Anden uddannelsesinstitution i Danmark