Latinamerika: 38 års erfaring med projektstyring og policyudvikling, og konsulentarbejde i intl. udvikling. Fremragende interkulturelle kompetencer og kommunikationsevner. Flydende på Engelsk, Spansk og Portugisisk. Mange publikationer på flere sprog. Interesseret i en eksportvirksomhed. Analy

Opdateret 03. oktober 2016
Min uddannelse
1976 - 1984


Københavns Universitet

Uddannelsesområde: Samfundsvidenskab
Periode: oktober 1976 - februar 1984
Min erhvervserfaring
2014 - nu

Programme Advisor Rainforest Foundation UK, London

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Programme advisor, Mapping and Forest Governance. Mapping and Forest Governance Programme.
Feasibility study on Tropical Forest Community Mapping Initiative - establihing a global community mapping platform.
Arbejdsområde: Rådgivning & Support
Periode: november 2014 - nu
2014 - nu

Programme Advisor Rainforest Foundation UK, London

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Programme advisor, Mapping and Forest Governance. Mapping and Forest Governance Programme.
Feasibility study on Tropical Forest Community Mapping Initiative - establihing a global community mapping platform.
Arbejdsområde: Rådgivning & Support
Periode: november 2014 - nu
2014 - nu

Programme Advisor Rainforest Foundation UK, London

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Programme advisor, Mapping and Forest Governance. Mapping and Forest Governance Programme.

Feasibility study on Tropical Forest Community Mapping Initiative - establihing a global community mapping platform.
Arbejdsområde: Projektledelse
Periode: november 2014 - nu
2012 - nu

Chief anthropologist

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Nordisk Fond for Miljø og Udvikling

Developing a new action research programme on REDD+, PES and indigenous peoples in the Amazon including biodiversity monitoring.
Arbejdsområde: Rådgivning & Support
Periode: april 2012 - nu
2012 - nu

Chief anthropologist

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Nordisk Fond for Miljø og Udvikling

Developing a new action research programme on REDD+, PES and indigenous peoples in the Amazon including biodiversity monitoring.
Arbejdsområde: Naturvidenskab
Periode: april 2012 - nu
2014 - 2015

Programme Advisor Rainforest Foundation UK, London

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Developing a global platform for tropical forest community mapping.
Arbejdsområde: Projektledelse
Periode: november 2014 - oktober 2015
2014 - 2015

Programme Advisor Rainforest Foundation UK, London

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Tropical Forest Community Mapping Initiative -
A Global Platform Feasibility Study.
Arbejdsområde: Projektledelse
Periode: november 2014 - oktober 2015
2012 - 2014

Senior Consultant, Latin American Regional Specialist

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

NORDECO - Nordic Agency for Development and Ecology

* Participatory natural resource management, REDD+ and PES policy and schemes, community based monitoring systems, community based conservation systems, ecological anthropology, political ecology, tropical forest production systems and economies, horticultural production systems.
* Indigenous peoples, indigenous rights, indigenous movements, multicultural development, ethnic conflict, colonization, frontier syndromes, conflict resolution, social mobilization, civil society engagement, capacity building, and democratization.
* Land titling programmes; land tenure, land reform and land policy. Community based management of protected areas, governance and territorial planning for indigenous and similar populations.
* Evaluation, supervision and identification of participatory indigenous development projects, management and monitoring models. Design of integrated conservation and development programmes for indigenous and other rural populations
* Transport sector program development: Socio-economic and environmental impact assessment, intensive and labor based road and infrastructure construction. Stakeholder driven TSP development, monitoring systems and impact control.
* Latin America: Amazon and Andean focal area. Central America: Tropical forest and coastal areas and livelihoods.
Arbejdsområde: Administration
Periode: maj 2012 - november 2014
2012 - 2014

Senior Consultant, Latin American Regional Specialist

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

NORDECO - Nordic Agency for Development and Ecology

* Participatory natural resource management, REDD+ and PES policy and schemes, community based monitoring systems, community based conservation systems, ecological anthropology, political ecology, tropical forest production systems and economies, horticultural production systems.
* Indigenous peoples, indigenous rights, indigenous movements, multicultural development, ethnic conflict, colonization, frontier syndromes, conflict resolution, social mobilization, civil society engagement, capacity building, and democratization.
* Land titling programmes; land tenure, land reform and land policy. Community based management of protected areas, governance and territorial planning for indigenous and similar populations.
* Evaluation, supervision and identification of participatory indigenous development projects, management and monitoring models. Design of integrated conservation and development programmes for indigenous and other rural populations
* Transport sector program development: Socio-economic and environmental impact assessment, intensive and labor based road and infrastructure construction. Stakeholder driven TSP development, monitoring systems and impact control.
* Latin America: Amazon and Andean focal area. Central America: Tropical forest and coastal areas and livelihoods.
Arbejdsområde: Rådgivning & Support
Periode: maj 2012 - november 2014
2012 - 2014

Senior Anthropologist

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Nordisk Kontor for Miljø og Udvikling - NORDECO
Arbejdsområde: Rådgivning & Support
Periode: maj 2012 - november 2014
1990 - 2012

Senior Anthropologist - senior consultant

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Har igennem hele min karriere arbejdet som international konsulent, også overlappende med andre jobs, for det danske konsulentfirma NORDECO - Nordic Agency for Development and Ecology. Utallige evaluerings, reviews, feasability studier og policy studier, bl.a. for Den Interamerikanske Udviklingsbank og Verdensbanken.
Jeg er bestyrelsesmedlem af NORDECO.
Arbejdsområde: Rådgivning & Support
Periode: marts 1990 - december 2012
2010 - 2012

Senior Advisor

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Rainforest Foundation Norway
Arbejdsområde: Data & Analyse
Periode: marts 2010 - maj 2012
2010 - 2012

Senior Advisor

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Rainforest Foundation Norway
Arbejdsområde: Rådgivning & Support
Periode: marts 2010 - maj 2012
2010 - 2012

Seniorrådgiver / Senior Advisor

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Branchekategorierne passer ikke:
Jeg har arbejdet som seniorrådgiver med kvalitetssikring i Regnskogfondet i Oslo, i deres afdeling for Amazonas, som medansvarlig for en projektportefølje på 33 mill. kr. Min regionale ansvarsområde dækkede primært Brasilien, Peru og Bolivia, og sekundært Venezuela, Colombia, Guyanaerne og Paraguay. Særlig fokus på naturressourceforvaltning og konfliktløsning.
Arbejdsområde: Projektledelse
Periode: marts 2010 - april 2012
2007 - 2010

Senior Researcher

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

DIIS - Danish Institute for International Development

Project researcher at the Natural Resources and Poverty Unit.
Arbejdsområde: Forskning & Udvikling
Periode: april 2007 - marts 2010
2007 - 2010

Senior Researcher

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

DIIS - Danish Institute for International Development

Project researcher at the Natural Resources and Poverty Unit.
Arbejdsområde: Forskning & Udvikling
Periode: april 2007 - marts 2010
2006 - 2010


Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Projektseniorforsker på Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier DIIS, afdelingen for Naturresourcer og Fattigdom
Arbejdsområde: Forskning & Udvikling
Periode: august 2006 - februar 2010
2000 - 2010

Member of the Action Committee

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

SALSA (Society for he Anthropology of Lowland South America) network
Arbejdsområde: Politik & Samfund
Periode: januar 2000 - januar 2010
2006 - 2007

Lead consultant and team coordinator

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Inter-American Development Bank

Evaluation and policy study: Land Privatization, Titling and Indigenous Communities in Latin America. Inter-American Development Bank, Section SDS/IND, Washington, D.C.
Arbejdsområde: Politik & Samfund
Periode: april 2006 - april 2007
2006 - 2007

Lead consultant and team coordinator

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Inter-American Development Bank

Evaluation and policy study: Land Privatization, Titling and Indigenous Communities in Latin America. Inter-American Development Bank, Section SDS/IND, Washington, D.C.
Arbejdsområde: Bank & Forsikring
Periode: april 2006 - april 2007
2004 - 2006

Senior Project Researcher

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

DIIS - Danish Insitute for International Studies

Natural Resources and Poverty Unit
Arbejdsområde: Forskning & Udvikling
Periode: januar 2004 - marts 2006
2004 - 2006

Senior Project Researcher

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

DIIS - Danish Insitute for International Studies

Natural Resources and Poverty Unit
Arbejdsområde: Forskning & Udvikling
Periode: januar 2004 - marts 2006
2001 - 2006

Board member

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Arbejdsområde: Naturvidenskab
Periode: januar 2001 - januar 2006
2002 - 2004

Visiting senior researcher

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

DIIS - Danish Institute for International Development

Project title: Peoples, Power and Policy: Amazon Political Ecology in a Globalized Setting. Research grant by the Danish Social Science Research Council. Department for Development Research, Danish Institute for International Studies.
Arbejdsområde: Forskning & Udvikling
Periode: januar 2002 - januar 2004
2002 - 2004

Visiting senior researcher

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

DIIS - Danish Institute for International Development

Project title: Peoples, Power and Policy: Amazon Political Ecology in a Globalized Setting. Research grant by the Danish Social Science Research Council. Department for Development Research, Danish Institute for International Studies.
Arbejdsområde: Forskning & Udvikling
Periode: januar 2002 - januar 2004
1990 - 2002

Consultant and Senior Anthropologist

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Arbejdsområde: Rådgivning & Support
Periode: januar 1990 - februar 2002
1990 - 2002

Consultant and Senior Anthropologist

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Arbejdsområde: Naturvidenskab
Periode: januar 1990 - februar 2002
1999 - 1999


Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Inter-American Development Bank

Policy study "Land Titling and Indigenous Populations in Latin America." Field visits Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Inter-American Development Bank, Section SDS/IND, Washington, D.C.
Arbejdsområde: Bank & Forsikring
Periode: januar 1999 - november 1999
1999 - 1999


Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Inter-American Development Bank

Policy study "Land Titling and Indigenous Populations in Latin America." Field visits Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Inter-American Development Bank, Section SDS/IND, Washington, D.C.
Arbejdsområde: Rådgivning & Support
Periode: januar 1999 - november 1999
1998 - 1998

Senior Anthropologist.

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

NORDECO - Nordic Agency for Development and Ecology

Various consultancies for Danida:
In Bolivia support to Indigenous Peoples, Public Participation and Decentralization Pgr. In Nicaragua: Socio-Economic Review of Small Projects in the Autonomous Atlantic Regions, RAAN and RAAS, Nicaragua.. Transport Sector Programme Support.
Arbejdsområde: Rådgivning & Support
Periode: januar 1998 - december 1998
1998 - 1998

Senior Anthropologist.

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

NORDECO - Nordic Agency for Development and Ecology

Various consultancies for Danida:
In Bolivia support to Indigenous Peoples, Public Participation and Decentralization Pgr. In Nicaragua: Socio-Economic Review of Small Projects in the Autonomous Atlantic Regions, RAAN and RAAS, Nicaragua.. Transport Sector Programme Support.
Arbejdsområde: Naturvidenskab
Periode: januar 1998 - december 1998
1995 - 1997

Visiting research fellow. Adjunct faculty anthropology department.

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Research grant from Danish Council for Development Research.
Arbejdsområde: Forskning & Udvikling
Periode: marts 1995 - november 1997
Mine præferencer
Bornholm Fyn Grønland & Færøerne Midtjylland Nordjylland Nordsjælland Storkøbenhavn Sydsjælland & Øer Sydvestjylland (Esbjerg) Sydøstjylland Sønderjylland Udlandet (Norge) Udlandet (Sverige) Udlandet (øvrige) Vestjylland Vestsjælland Øresundsregionen Østjylland (Aarhus) Østsjælland
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