Geographer with international research experience from Kenya, Nepal and Tanzania. And humanitarian/emergency response experience from Sierra Leone during the Ebola outbreak in 2014/15

Opdateret 18. november 2019
Min uddannelse
2015 - 2020

ph.d. (alm.)

Københavns Universitet

Currently doing a PhD in development geography, exploring the role of small emerging urban centres in rural Tanzania and the impact on livelihood and cultural/social changes.
Uddannelsesområde: Samfundsvidenskab
Periode: august 2015 - januar 2020
2011 - 2013

Cand.scient. i Geografi

Københavns Universitet

Uddannelsesområde: Samfundsvidenskab
Periode: august 2011 - august 2013
2005 - 2008

BA i Internationale Udviklingsstudier

Roskilde Universitetscenter (RUC)

Combined bachelor in International Development Studies and Cultural Encounters
Uddannelsesområde: Samfundsvidenskab
Periode: august 2005 - juni 2008
Min erhvervserfaring
2015 - 2020

PhD Researcher

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Currently employed as PhD scholar on the Rural-Urban Transformation (RUT) research project
Conducting fieldwork in two rural locations in Tanzania on the social transformations in rural areas as they are transforming into more urban settings.
Arbejdsområde: Forskning & Udvikling
Periode: august 2015 - januar 2020
2014 - 2015

Ebola Emergency Response Country Coordinator

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Functioned as acting country director for eHealth Africa Sierra Leone, during the height of the Ebola outbreak in Westafrica.
Together with my second-in-command we build the local eHealth Team from 4 employees to close 100 employees over a period of 6 months, together with establishing internal structures for financial reporting, and activity reporting.
Responsible for overall management and coordination of eHealth Africa activities in Sierra Leone.
Responsible for overall coordination with CDC’s Ebola Emergency team in Sierra Leone, in terms of project implementation and follow-up.
Contributed to development of eHealth Ebola Vaccine Trial proposal for successful funding by the US CDC. Provide management assistance to eHealth Ebola Vaccine Trial. Engagements with GoSL and NGO partners on strategic components of the Ebola response
Arbejdsområde: Administration
Periode: oktober 2014 - juni 2015
2014 - 2014

Programme Development Advisor

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Worked as Programme Development Advisor for IBIS Oxfam at their office in Freetown, Sierra Leone.
The main responsibilities of this position were policy and strategy development, support to ongoing programme work within Local Governance, Education and Extractive Industries and Climate Change, support to programme development, quality assurance, methodological development and fundraising from institutional donors as well as administration of programmes. Contribute in bringing national and regional experiences and issues related to extractives, climate change and tax work to regional, global and Danish advocacy agenda. Together with partners, identifying research areas on extractives, climate change and tax work, commission research, disseminate research and use for advocacy at various levels
Arbejdsområde: Politik & Samfund
Periode: juni 2014 - oktober 2014
2013 - 2014

Teaching Assistant

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Responsible for follow-up teachings on the course Planning, Space and Resources for 100 second term students. Supervisor for nine project groups spanning from first semester bachelor students to ninth semester master students. Facilitator on two student workshops. Participated in the courses Being a Supervisor and Supervisor as examiner.
Arbejdsområde: Undervisning
Periode: september 2013 - maj 2014
2014 - 2014

Research Assistant

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Employed to write article for European Conference on South Asian Studies and to finalize book chapter as contribution to NEMO research project, see
Arbejdsområde: Data & Analyse
Periode: januar 2014 - maj 2014
2010 - 2011

Admin and Research Assistant

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Provided research assistance in form of background research, data analysis and preparation of draft documents. Provided assistance to financial manager in conducting project oversight and monitoring.
Arbejdsområde: Administration
Periode: oktober 2010 - juni 2011
2009 - 2010

Project Manager on Climate Change Project

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Worked for Wajibu MS – Kenya
Worked at the Ol Lentile Eco System Service Project on generating carbon credits working with pastoralist communities. Facilitated training for 30 field staff; Preparation of documents for verification; Development of a socio-economic baseline and a five-year ME plan on targets; Collection of Environmental and Social community information; Responsible for managing field teams including substantial fieldwork in Laikipia and Isiolo Districts
Arbejdsområde: Projektledelse
Periode: september 2009 - august 2010
2009 - 2009


Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Assisted the Natural Resource Management Team drafting the new five-year environment program. Coordinator for two donor groups on Environment and Climate Change. Monitoring of minor environment and development projects. Assisted a senior consultant in a organizational restructuring of partner organization.
Arbejdsområde: Projektledelse
Periode: februar 2009 - august 2009
2008 - 2009

Residential Social Worker

Virksomhedsnavn skjult

Development and coordination of social and integration initiatives, primarily for young people and women with other ethnic background then danish.
Arbejdsområde: Projektledelse
Periode: september 2008 - januar 2009
Mine kompetencer
ingen angivet
Sprog på arbejdsniveau
dansk engelsk
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Grønland & Færøerne Storkøbenhavn Udlandet (Norge) Udlandet (Sverige) Udlandet (øvrige) Østsjælland
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