Jeg har stor erfaring med kommunikation, branding og designprocesser. Jeg har arbejdet meget med UX og konceptudvikling. Jeg er ikke bange for udfordringer eller at tage ansvar. Jeg holder meget af at arbejde i tværfaglige teams, men finder også individuelt arbejde tiltrækkende.

Oplevelsesøkonomi konceptudvikling user experience kommunikation marketing og branding  

Opdateret 05. januar 2021
Min uddannelse
2015 - 2017

Master, Oplevelsesøkonomi

Aarhus Universitet

Uddannelsesområde: Sprog, Media & Kommunikation
Periode: september 2015 - juni 2017
2012 - 2015

BA i Marketing and Management Communication

Aarhus Universitet

Uddannelsesområde: Sprog, Media & Kommunikation
Periode: august 2012 - juli 2015
Min erhvervserfaring
2016 - nu

UX designer hos APPlab, Innovation & udvilking AUH

Jeg indgår til dagligt i et projektteam hos APPlab, AUH som hjælper klinikere, studerende og virksomheder med at udforske og udvikle deres ideer. Vi tager udgangspunkt i Design Thinking og tester tidligt af for at kunne vurdere fordele og ulemper i klinisk praksis for en eventuel digital app løsning.
Arbejdsområde: Projektledelse
Periode: august 2016 - nu
2013 - nu

Ejer af Hougaard Design

I make hand-made drawings and personal cards. Each artwork is hand-made with an eye for the details. All pieces are made with attention to its own special uniqueness, meaning that none of the artworks I make are a 100 per cent similar nor prints.
Arbejdsområde: Arkitektur & Design
Periode: juni 2013 - nu
2016 - 2017

Studenterunderviser i Entrepreneurship, Concept...

Teaching Assistant in Entrepreneurship, Concept- and Business development for 1st semester students at the master degree Experience Economy at Aarhus University.

I had the pleasure of working with some every skilled students and help them on their way with defining and opening up for investigating and developing their personal entrepreneuriel projects. All the projects had to be based on disharmonies from their own everyday life. My responsibility was to ensure that they were on track, provide them the tools and understanding of how to provide proper and rewarding feedback, following the danish technique - Cafe models.
Arbejdsområde: Undervisning
Periode: august 2016 - november 2017
2016 - 2017

Social Media Manager hos NATULIQUE

I work as Facebook Manager, responsible for all organic communication and material sent out on this platform, including all visual material. I work in a close team with one other person in regards to all other communication and campaigns that are developed.

I additionally have the responsibility for the brands MyStory section, that focuses on interviewing and writing features on our customers about their life and their connection to the brand.
Arbejdsområde: Kommunikation, Media & SoMe
Periode: marts 2016 - januar 2017
2015 - 2016

Projektansvarlig Vild Med Vilje Bille Bobs Biotur

Jeg er sammen med en anden person ansvarlig for udviklingen og projektledelsen af projektet Bille Bobs Biotur, som er et oplevelsesøkonomisk projekt, der udfolder sig i Lystrup i forbindelse med Vild med Vilje tiltaget som foregår i området.
Arbejdsområde: Ledelse & Planlægning
Periode: september 2015 - maj 2016
2015 - 2016

Underviser i Business Development with IS

I teach 3rd semester students, at Aarhus University's Business Department, on tutorial basis. We work with relevant theories and aspects of information systems, with specific emphasis on ERP systems, in regards to business development. Additionally I am responsible for correcting a part of their final exam project.

I have a diploma in pedagogical teaching from AU, and love being able to help students gain knowledge about a new and very interesting subject. I have previously taught in a similar course, Information Systems for Business.
Arbejdsområde: IT - Software
Periode: august 2015 - februar 2016
2015 - 2015

Frivillig hos Sculpture By The Sea

I joined the team behind Sculpture by The Sea in 2015, which is an biannual event in Aarhus, Denmark and an annual event in Cottesloe and Bondi, Australia. My responsibility was helping setting up the Inside Exhibition of 60 smaller sculptures with a small group of people. My job tasks included dealing with the artists, preparing the exhibition room, designing the layout of the exhibition, be front person with visitors and customers, promote the event and selling the sculptures.
Arbejdsområde: Kunst & Kultur
Periode: juni 2015 - juli 2015
2014 - 2015

Studenter medarbejder på AU

I translated and transcribed for PhD students and professors primarily from danish to english or english to english.
Arbejdsområde: Kommunikation, Media & SoMe
Periode: februar 2014 - februar 2015
2014 - 2014

Forsker hos AU

Researching which implications New Media Platforms can have on study group work and learning opportunities in the environment of the course Information Systems for Business among 1 semester students attending the BAMMC programme
Arbejdsområde: Kommunikation, Media & SoMe
Periode: januar 2014 - maj 2014
2013 - 2014

Studenterunderviser i IT

I worked as a teaching assistent in the course Information Systems in Business. My responsibilities involved 2 face-to-face classes a week, in which I was to make sure that the students understood and was able to use the curriculum. We would go through different assignments together and I aimed at making it a learning by doing class. Students were often asked to help each other, in order to improve their own learning curve by first understanding the material themselves, then use it and lastly explain and teach others their understanding of the material. Additionally I corrected the first part of their final exam project. All my classes finished with the highest marks within the course and I am very proud of my students.

I teach in english and have a diploma in pedagogical teaching at university level.
Arbejdsområde: IT - Software
Periode: juli 2013 - januar 2014
2012 - 2013

Sales Advisor hos HM

Researching which implications New Media Platforms can have on study group work and learning opportunities in the environment of the course Information Systems for Business among 1 semester students attending the BAMMC programme
Arbejdsområde: Salg
Periode: juni 2012 - september 2013
2010 - 2012

Salgassistent hos Imerco

I was a sales advisor, meaning I would be on the floor helping customers acheive the best possible experience when visiting the store. I would advise and guide customers about the products in store and help find the most suitable product for their personal needs.

I took several courses in the different brands and materials used within the home interior and kitchen industry and additional sales courses in up-selling.
Arbejdsområde: Salg
Periode: oktober 2010 - august 2012
Mine præferencer
Event Fuldtidsjob Graduate/trainee Vikariat
Arkitektur & Design Human Resources Internet & Multimedia Kommunikation, Media & SoMe Ledelse & Planlægning Marketing & Reklame Organisation & Forening Projektledelse
Østjylland (Aarhus)
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