My experience has been focus on environmental science, analytical chemistry, microbiology, plant physiology, toxicology, biology, and ecology since the last 20 years. I have been involved in many projects all aiming to remediate soil or water.

Opdateret 22. juni 2021
Min uddannelse
- 2012

ph.d. (alm.)

Aarhus Universitet

Uddannelsesområde: Klima, Miljø & Energi
Periode: - januar 2012
Min erhvervserfaring
2017 - nu

Project Leader

Leading project in R&D and stability in biopharma industry. I am mainly working with API, drugs, and raw material. My main tasks are developing method, writing protocols, planning studies and analysis, and reporting to the customer (Sponsor) accordingly with GMP, GLP, and ISO17025. As a Project Leader (PL), my main skills are:

Leadership: I am responsible for developing a project plan that works to achieve progression criteria using sound scientific processes in the shortest amount of time with the least cost. I works with the team and key stakeholders to set the key goals and major objectives.

Planning: I develop projects plan that work to achieve progression criteria using sound scientific processes in the shortest amount of time with the least cost.

Decision Making/Judgement: I may propose decisions but should accept accountability for the decision. Provide an honest assessment of the project relative to current and future cost.

Negotiation: I may interact directly with line managers to ensure resources are available when needed.

Communication: I keep the team members and stakeholders informed of key developments, program decisions, issues, and changes to the project and the project plan.
Arbejdsområde: Medicinal & Sundhed
Periode: november 2017 - nu
2016 - 2017

Post Doctoral Research Associate

Examining fate, behavior and (bio)degradation of organochlorine pesticides in estuarine sediment and soils in Escambia Bay (Pensacola, Florida). This include field sampling, laboratory analysis and (bio)degradation assays. Passive sampling device are used to assess the bioavailability and bioaccessibility of contaminants in sediment and soil.

  • Organochlorine pesticides analysis using GC-ECD
  • PAHs analysis using GC-MS
  • Method implementation and validation
  • Sediment sampling

  • Project manager: Pr. Johan Liebens (
    Arbejdsområde: Naturvidenskab
    Periode: april 2016 - marts 2017
    2013 - 2014

    Post Doctoral Researcher

    Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby (Denmark)

    The post-doctoral research at Technical University of Denmark (DTU) was in collaboration with Mærsk Oil & Gas (Denmark) to reduce the crude oil content in produced water by biodegradation of oil with bacteria. This project involved analyse of gasoline, crude oil, diesel in water by GC-FID. A part of the project has been dedicated to reduce the oil content in produce water by demulsifying soluble oil by adding enzymes in order to improve oil / water separation. Passive sampling device has been tried to measure oil content in produced water to improve oil extraction and analysis.

    Removal of oil droplets would have a positive environmental impact as most produced water is discharged into the sea. If the water quality could be improved to acceptable level, reinjections into oil reservoirs are a possibility.

  • oil analysis GC-FID
  • oil contaminated water GC-FID
  • - Microbial biodegradation of oil in water
    Arbejdsområde: Forskning & Udvikling
    Periode: oktober 2013 - november 2014
    2009 - 2012

    PhD student

    Aarhus University, Roskilde (Denmark)

    I aimed at characterizing the effect of different soil amendments (activated carbon, charcoal and compost) on desorption and biodegradation of PACs in soil. This addresses a specific problem of sequestration, bioaccessibility and bioavailability of PACs in soil in order to reduce the mobility, spreading and leaching of contaminants in the different compartments of the environment.
  • Experience and good knowledge of bacterial culture
  • Soil spiking
  • Soil extraction (Soxhlet)
  • Passive sampling and dosing of PAHs
  • PAHs HPLC analysis
  • - 14C analysis (scintillation counter)
    Arbejdsområde: Forskning & Udvikling
    Periode: april 2009 - november 2012
    2008 - 2009

    Teacher of analytical chemistry

    ISC Fleurus, Fleurus (Belgium)

    The role of lecturer of good practices in chemistry and laboratory techniques gave me the opportunity to form the new generation of clinical laboratory technicians.
    Arbejdsområde: Undervisning
    Periode: september 2008 - marts 2009
    2004 - 2009

    self-funded researcher

    Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)

    During my research, I focused on phytoremediation, a new cost-effective soil remediation technology. The phytoremediation is a promising technology presenting economical and environment advantages, based on the use of plant to extract, accumulate, modify and/or volatilize organic and/or inorganic pollutants of contaminated sites.
  • Expertise and experience in hydroponic culture and soil culture of plants
  • Experience and good knowledge of in vitro culture and cell culture (plants and microbes)
  • Soil analysis
  • Good knowledge of chemical analysis
  • Knowledge of spectrophotometry (AAS, VIS / UV), ICP-MS and HPLC
  • - Experience in development of test methods
    Arbejdsområde: Forskning & Udvikling
    Periode: september 2004 - marts 2009
    2005 - 2006

    Teacher of sciences

    ISJ, Charleroi (Belgium)

    I worked as a sciences teacher (Biology, Physics and Chemistry) in the lower and higher secondary school (13 to 18 years olds).
    Arbejdsområde: Undervisning
    Periode: november 2005 - juni 2006
    2005 - 2005

    Teacher of analytical chemistry

    ISC Fleurus, Fleurus (Belgium)

    The role of lecturer of good practice in chemistry and laboratory technique gave the opportunity to me to form rising generation of clinical laboratory technician.
    Arbejdsområde: Undervisning
    Periode: september 2005 - november 2005
    1999 - 2004

    sales and manager assistant (student job)

    Facopy, Louvain-la-neuve (Belgium)

    Sale and advice in a copy machine shop
  • Communication skills and sales technique
  • Ability to identify possible opportunities and ways to approach new customers
  • Understanding of a highly complex product range
  • Time management & organisational skills to handle a range of different concurrent tasks
  • - Ability to work swiftly and accurately with high workloads and under pressure
    Arbejdsområde: Marketing & Reklame
    Periode: september 1999 - juni 2004
    Mine præferencer
    Fuldtidsjob Ph.d. & forskning
    Storkøbenhavn Udlandet (Norge) Udlandet (Sverige) Udlandet (øvrige) Østjylland (Aarhus)
    40.000 DKK / måned
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