Aktuelle job hos Unique Human Capital A/S

Chief Investment Officer - Unique Human Capital

Unik mulighed for at være med til at opbygge og udvikle et ambitiøst Family Office Stenseminde Holding ApS er et Family Office, som servicerer, supporterer og forvalter familiens formue. Formuen er skabt gennem et mangeårigt ejerskab af forskellige virksomheder. I dag består porteføljen bl.a. af større landbrug, ejendomme, likvide investeringer og forskellige virksomheder med et aktivt ejerskab. Familiens ønske er, at formuen skal være til gavn og glæde for mange kommende generationer.

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Partner, Sydjylland eller Fyn - Unique Human Capital

Er du en erfaren investerings- og eller kunderådgiver, og vil du prøve kræfter med din egen virksomhed med et stabilt og veletableret bagland i ryggen? Secure Spectrum Fondsmæglerselskab ønsker fortsat at styrke deres brand og positionering gennem lokalt forankret rådgivning til deres kunder. Derfor har de udviklet et Partnerkoncept ud fra betragtningen om, at det er den bedste forudsætning for at udvikle forretningen lokalt og overordnet

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Chief of Staff, Strategic Management Support - Unique Human Capital

Play a pivotal role in driving strategic growth and be part of creating a more secure world through innovation in an international company As Chief of Staff at Chora A/S, you will be part of an exciting growth journey leading the company towards new markets and solutions. You will ensure that strategy and ambition are transformed into concrete organisational initiatives and results. You will report directly to the CEO, be a part of the top leadership team

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Finance Controller, support til LEGO House - Unique Human Capital

Vil du være en del af et dedikeret finansteam og have et særligt fokus på controlling i LEGO House? Som Finance Controller hos KIRKBI bliver du en del af den centrale finansfunktion, der i dagligdagen arbejder med servicering af koncernens selskaber. Afdelingen har det overordnede ansvar for bogholderi, måneds- og årsregnskab og controlling

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Senior Research Consultant - Unique Human Capital

Er du klar til næste skridt i din karriere, hvor du bliver en nøglespiller i et førende Executive Search-konsulenthus? Unique Human Capital arbejder med Executive Search, Board Search samt Search i alle brancher både i Danmark og internationalt. Vi har nogle fantastiske kunder, og vi har travlt med mange komplekse search-opgaver på højt niveau. Search-disciplinen er én af vores stærkeste konkurrenceparametre i kundedialogen, og det er samtidig også en klar karrierevej i Unique Human Capital.

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Product Director - Unique Human Capital

Join Chora as Product Director and lead the success of its products by driving strategy, managing the product roadmap, and collaborating closely with stakeholders across the company The role of Product Director is newly created, and it emphasises a strong focus on the product life cycle, ensuring that each stage, from development to market introduction and eventual phase-out, is strategically managed

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Chefkonsulent - Unique Human Capital

Vil du være med til at skabe strategiske løsninger, der gør en forskel for samfundet? Som Chefkonsulent hos Pluss Leadership bliver du en nøgleperson i løsningen af komplekse samfundsmæssige udfordringer. Du vil arbejde tæt sammen med dygtige kollegaer og kunder på tværs af sektorer for at skabe værdifulde løsninger.

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Key Account Manager – salgsansvarlig for vikarløsninger til sundhedssektoren - Unique Human Capital

Har du et højt salgsdrive og erfaring med relationssalg til B2G og B2B? Som Key Account Manager vil du få en central rolle i at vækste, udvikle og vedligeholde relationer med virksomhedens nøglekunder i sundhedssektoren. Dit kundegrundlag vil være cheflæger, afdelingschefer, HR-afdelinger og sygehusledelser, som bliver dine daglige kontaktpunkter

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Sustainability Specialist - Unique Human Capital

Vil du være en del af en global og ambitiøs virksomhed, hvor du er med til at definere virksomhedens retning inden for bæredygtighed? Bæredygtighed er et strategisk fokusområde for KMC, som ønsker at indtage en frontrunner position på udvalgte områder, hvor de står stærkt i markedet og får skabt forretningsmæssig værdi ud af bæredygtighed

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Team Manager Stability & Formulation - Unique Human Capital

Join the Antibody Center of Excellence and apply your managerial skills and scientific expertise, making a significant impact in an innovative environment Symphogen is in an exciting phase as the Antibody Center of Excellence in Servier with a continued focus on the development of antibody-based therapeutic products for the treatment of cancer and inflammatory/autoimmune diseases.

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Senior Scientist Drug Product Development - Unique Human Capital

Take part in an exciting journey of antibody drug product development aiming at improving patients’ health Symphogen is in an exciting phase as the Antibody Center of Excellence in Servier with a continued focus on the development of antibody-based therapeutic products for the treatment of cancer and inflammatory/autoimmune diseases.

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HR Director - Unique Human Capital

Do you want to lead the people and culture agenda in an international and fast-growing company? The strategy for the coming years focuses on significant growth for Chora A/S and the HR Director will have overall HR responsibility throughout the company and thus play a key role in implementing the strategy, and developing the organisation to meet the future demand.

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Head of Accounting - Unique Human Capital

Vil du være med på en udviklingsrejse i en spændende virksomhed? Som Head of Accounting hos FTZ bliver du ansvarlig for at drive forandringer, udvikle og lede afdelingens medarbejdere samt være den drivende i forhold til at optimere processer og procedurer. Med reference til CFO, bliver du en del af ledelsesteamet i Finansorganisationen, og får ansvaret for den daglige drift af FTZ's accounting afdeling

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Senior Project Manager, Drug Development - Unique Human Capital

Drive cutting-edge drug development projects towards international partnerships As Senior Project Manager at Gubra, you will join a growing drug development team. You’ll play a pivotal role in managing the drug development projects and help establish workflows, building internal and external networks, and fostering cross-functional collaborations

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Group Finance Manager - Unique Human Capital

Vil du stå i spidsen for globale forandringer? Pindstrup Mosebrug A/S søger en ny Group Finance Manager til hovedkontoret i Danmark. Du vil spille en central rolle i den videre udvikling af koncernens globale finansfunktion, herunder digitalisering, for at understøtte koncernens nye strategi. Pindstrup er en af de førende globale spillere og har gennem en lang årrække vist kontinuerlig vækst

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Senior HR Business Partner - Unique Human Capital

Are you passionate about strategic HR, leadership development, and driving cultural transformation? For our client, we are looking for a Senior HR Business Partner to join their global company and a dynamic HR team to support the leadership in shaping the organisation's future. As a Senior HR Business Partner at our client’s company, you will play a key role in aligning HR initiatives with business objectives and driving organisational change

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Group Financial Manager - Unique Human Capital

En særlig udviklingsmulighed hos international markedsledende stålgrossist Som Group Financial Manager i Damstahl træder du ind i en udviklings- og optimeringsrolle, hvor du vil være med til at transformere og effektivisere Damstahls økonomifunktion på tværs af Gruppen med henblik på øget automatisering og digitalisering af forretnings- og arbejdsgange.

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Senior Project Manager, Software & Product Development - Unique Human Capital

Do you have a passion for driving complex, multidisciplinary projects in a dynamic and innovative environment, and do you want to contribute to the green energy transition? As Senior Project Manager at DEIF, you will have the opportunity to manage high-impact projects that span software, hardware, and mechanical development. You will be instrumental in turning innovative concepts into tangible products that contribute to the global green transition

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DevOps Engineer - Unique Human Capital

Are you passionate about cutting-edge technology and eager to impact the global transition to sustainable energy? As a DevOps Engineer at DEIF, you will be involved in maintaining and optimizing their Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) systems. DEIF is a global leader in climate-friendly power management solutions, and this role offers a unique opportunity to contribute to their cutting-edge, platform-based approach to software and hardware development

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Department Manager, Quality Assurance - Unique Human Capital

Do you want to lead a technical team, drive quality assurance and integration, and strengthen the release process at a global leader in climate-friendly power management solutions? As a Department Manager, Quality Assurance, you will be responsible for a team of eight employees working to ensure stability, consistency, and increased automation across the entire value chain, system landscape and development process – from developing raw code to testing and releasing

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Senior Software Developer for Wind Energy Applications - Unique Human Capital

Do you enjoy turning models into user-friendly software and have significant hands-on experience with full-stack desktop software development and unmanaged code? As Senior Software Developer at EMD International, you will be part of the software team working to develop desktop software for renewable energy applications, and in this case, particularly wind energy, through the industry-leading windPRO software

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Finance Manager - Unique Human Capital

Vil du have en central rolle i en veldrevet vidensvirksomhed, hvor du kan kombinere ledelse med praktisk eksekvering? Som Finance Manager bliver du en aktiv del af ledergruppen og arbejder tæt sammen med den administrerende direktør og ejerne for at sikre, at økonomifunktionen fungerer som en værdiskabende støtte for hele organisationen. Din rolle er bred og spænder fra strategisk sparring og ledelse til operationel drift, digitalisering og procesoptimering.

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DMPK Scientist (Senior/Principal) - Unique Human Capital

Do you want to apply your exceptional scientific skillset and join a fast-growing biotech start-up revolutionising oral macrocycle drug discovery? Backed by leading life sciences investors such as Novo Holdings and Forbion, Orbis is empowered to invest in groundbreaking technologies like the field-leading oral macrocycle design and development platform, nGen

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Head of DMPK - Unique Human Capital

Shape the future of personalised therapeutic solutions by developing field-leading oral macrocycle design Backed by leading life sciences investors such as Novo Holdings and Forbion, Orbis is empowered to invest in groundbreaking technologies like the field-leading oral macrocycle design and development platform, nGen

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Advanced nCycle Peptide Designer (Senior/Principal) - Unique Human Capital

Lead innovative peptide design and synthesis, driving innovation in drug discovery of oral macrocycles Backed by leading life sciences investors such as Novo Holdings and Forbion, Orbis is empowered to invest in groundbreaking technologies like the field-leading oral macrocycle design and development platform, nGen

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Finance Manager - Unique Human Capital

Drive business excellence and shape strategic decision-making Reporting to the Scandinavian Finance Director and collaborating closely with the Danish Managing Director, you will be a key member of the management team. With a focus on teamwork and financial optimisation, you will ensure compliance with local regulations while enhancing internal processes and controls.

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Senior Design Engineer - Unique Human Capital

Take the lead in designing tomorrow’s medical device solutions with Biograil Biograil is seeking a Senior Design Engineer to drive the evolution of the cutting-edge BIONDD™ technology platform. You'll use SolidWorks software and on-site 3D printing for rapid prototyping and functional testing. With direct report to the CTO and Founder, you will be a vital product development team member and drive the design process from concept to prototype

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Product Manager - Unique Human Capital

Do you have the drive, strategic understanding and business acumen to define the future of our highly successful mobile battle management systems? As Product Manager at Systematic you will have a spectrum of tasks, including collaborating with business analysts and Sales to identify new market opportunities and build supporting business cases

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Design Manager, Gas Compression - Unique Human Capital

Lead the way in green gas innovation - designing, mentoring, and delivering exceptional solutions in the global energy transition With more than 2,000 energy specialists globally, Ramboll is a leader in green energy transition and delivers future-proof, efficient, cost-effective energy solutions. Ramboll has contributed to groundbreaking projects, from energy islands to offshore wind, waste-to-energy, and Power-to-X.

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Master Data Specialist - Unique Human Capital

A unique opportunity to be part of D365 roll-out globally As Master Data Specialist at Ammeraal Beltech Modular, you will be part of the Price- and Master Data Department, which is responsible for the pricing structure of the business unit’s product portfolio towards all sales entities worldwide. Ammega - Ammeraal Beltech Modular is a growing company currently working on a large project that involves changing its ERP system

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Unique Human Capital A/S

Hovedkontor: Jægersborg Alle 4, 2940 Charlottenlund

Med forretningsforståelse og præcision arbejder vi med menneskelig kapital og leverer rådgivning og ydelser indenfor: Board Services, Executive Search, Search & Selection, Outplacement og Management Performance.

Vi ansætter jævnligt praktikanter

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