Aktuelle job hos RTX A/S

IT Supporter

At RTX, we’re more than just a tech company — we’re transforming how the world connects and communicates. For over 30 years, we’ve been creating wireless solutions that are revolutionizing industries like Enterprise, Healthcare, and ProAudio. We power some of the world’s biggest brands, developing cutting-edge technology that’s reshaping how people connect and communicate globally.

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Financial Controller

Er du den talglade type, der motiveres af at levere god finansiel rapportering? Lader du aldrig en mulighed for procesudvikling passere – og har du måske interesse for bæredygtighedsrapportering? Så er stillingen som Financial Controller hos RTX måske noget for dig. Læs med her: Kommunikation på den trådløse måde Hos RTX designer og udvikler vi trådløse kommunikationsprodukter

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Finance Director

Regnskab i en kommunikationsverden Hos RTX designer og udvikler vi trådløse kommunikationsløsninger. Vores formål er at give vores kunder de bedst mulige trådløse kommunikationsløsninger, så de kan hjælpe mennesker med at yde deres bedste. Som Finance Director vil du træde ind i en rolle, hvor økonomistyring og kommunikation går hånd i hånd. Dit team består af fire dygtige medarbejdere, som ser frem til dit lederskab og din faglighed

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Embedded Software Developer

The RTX Linux BSP team is looking for an embedded software developer with focus on development and maintenance of embedded Linux platforms, used in various RTX product segments. The RTX Linux platforms are based on the Yocto build system and has a security focused design

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Unsolicited application

We may not have an open position matching your qualifications at the moment, but you are welcome to send us an unsolicited application. We look forward to hearing from you and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Region: Region Midtjylland Region Nordjylland Company homepage: http://www.rtx.dk

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Strømmen 6, 9400 Nørresundby

We are a global technology company that innovate, design, and manufacture wireless communication solutions within Enterprise, Healthcare, and ProAudio globally and employing 300+ people at our locations in Denmark, Hong Kong, and USA.

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