Aktuelle job hos Københavns Universitet (KU)

Mass Spectrometry Application Associate (various levels) for the Proteomics Research Infrastructure

Proteomics Research Infrastructure, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen is looking for a Mass Spectrometry Application Associate to join the team. The Proteomics Research Infrastructure (PRI) is a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS) based proteomics research facility located at the faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen.

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PhD in Cardiometabolic Variant-to-Function

PhD in Cardiometabolic Variant-to-Function Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University of Copenhagen is seeking a highly motivated and talented PhD fellow to commence February 1, 2025, or after agreement in the Loos Group at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR), University of Copenhagen.

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Postdoc in Communicating Values in Interdisciplinary Science

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University of Copenhagen is seeking a highly motivated and talented Postdoc fellow to commence on February 1, 2025, or after agreement in the Whiteley Group at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR) and Medical Museion (www.museion.ku.dk), University of Copenhagen.

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PhD fellowship in Food Processing

The Department of Food Science, Section of Ingredient and Dairy Technology invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in processing of dairy-plant hybrid systems, which is part of the research project “PILAF”, which is financed by the Novo Nordisk Foundation and Arla Foods. Start date is (expected to be) 1 January 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project

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Center for Tidlig Indsats og Familieforskning (CIF) søger studerende til efteråret 2024

Center for Tidlig Indsats og Familieforskning (CIF) ved Institut for Psykologi, Københavns Universitet, søger studerende, der er interesserede i spæd- og småbørns psykiske sundhed og tidlig indsats, med tiltrædelse 1. november 2024. Hvad er arbejdsopgaverne? De studerende vil skulle udføre forskellige arbejdsopgaver relateret til centerets forskningsprojekter og/eller kursusvirksomhed. Det kan f.eks

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Institut for Kommunikation (sektionen for Filosofi) søger studerende til forskningsprojektet WHENCE

Vi søger to studerende til forskningsprojektet Women in the Nordic Enlightment (WHENCE), finansieret af the European Research Council. Se nærmere om projektet på https://inspire.ku.dk/research-activities/whence/ Arbejdsopgaver: Studenter på projektet skal indgå i arbejdet med at: • Forberede løbende opslag på projektets SoMe-kanaler. • Hjælpe med at forberede faglige events, samt praktisk hjælp under afviklingen af disse events.

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Postdoc in Chemometrics with focus on food protein modifications

Department of Food Science is offering a position as postdoc for a period of 2 years commencing 1 January 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter to be employed in the Food Proteins research group: https://food.ku.dk/english/research_at_food/research-groups/food_proteins_group/. The position is part of SEEDFOOD: ‘SEEDFOOD: Functional and palatable plant seed storage proteins for sustainable foods’: https://food.ku

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PhD fellowship in Environmental Economics

Department of Food and Resource Economics invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Environmental Economic Land Use Modelling. The PhD project will support the research project “New Forests, new values new places [Nye skove, nye værdier, nye steder]”, which is financed by the Villum Foundation The position is open from February 1st 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project

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Undervisningsassistenter på Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, blok 3 og 4, 2025

Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik søger undervisningsassistenter til kurserne i fagets videnskabstori, som udbydes på bacheloruddannelserne på SCIENCE i perioden i perioden februar-juni 2025, blok 3 og 4. Der er ledige stillinger på følgende kursus: Blok 3: Videnskabsteori for datalogi- økonomi (VtDatØk) Videnskabsteori for matematiske fag (VtMat) Blok 4 Videnskabsteori for datalogi (VtDat) Videnskabsteori og etik for fysikere (VtFys)

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Specialist i it-rammeværker og governancemodeller på it-området

Har du lyst til at sætte dit aftryk på it-fundamentet under Københavns Universitets 40.000 studerende og 10.000 ansatte? Bliver du begejstret ved tanken om at understøtte et internationalt forsknings- og studiemiljø? Og kan du tale med om processer, governancestruktur og rammeværk indenfor it? Så har vi jobbet til dig. Du får ca

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Researcher in ex vivo dietary microbiome interventions

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research University of Copenhagen We are looking for an experienced and motivated Researcher having extensive experience with ex vivo and in vitro microbiome culture and characterization to work in the Arumugam Group at The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR). The position is a 2-year position starting December 1, 2024, or after agreement. Background

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Postdoc in electrocatalytic C-N coupling

Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen The Department of Chemistry invites applicants for a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship in electrocatalysis. Attention: The position will take place at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark (1 year) and at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) in Barcelona, Spain (1 year). The employment at University of Copenhagen covers both years, with a ‘transfer of place of duty’ to ICN2 in the second year.

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To erfarende datamanagers søges til Københavns Universitets REDCAP platform

Københavns Universitets IT-afdeling (KU-IT) søger to datamanagers til vores team. Du bliver ansvarlig for administration og support af vores kommende REDCap-system (Research Electronic Data Capture). Vi leder efter to medarbejdere med en blanding af kompetencer indenfor datamanagement, projektledelse og kundeservice for at sikre en effektiv brug af REDCap på tværs af forskellige forskningsprojekter. Om stillingen

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Academic Research Staff (AC-TAP) in pluripotent stem cell biology at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine (reNEW)

Academic Research Staff (AC-TAP) in pluripotent stem cell biology at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine (reNEW) The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine (reNEW) at University of Copenhagen is looking for aAcademic Research Staff to join the Human Kidney Organoid group led by PI Melissa Little. The position is scheduled to commence on the 1 October 2024 or upon agreement with the chosen candidate. Research group

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Laboratory Manager for the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine (reNEW)

The role of the Laboratory Manager is very important to our lab management activities within reNEW, as you will oversee the running of the backbone of wet and tissue culture activities. The overall task is to ensure the smooth daily operations throughout reNEW’s communal laboratory setup

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Full Professorship in Social Anthropology with a Focus on Political Anthropology, University of Copenhagen

The Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, invites applications for a permanent position as Professor in Social Anthropology with a specific focus on political anthropology. The position is available from February 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. The professorship is offered within the broad discipline of social anthropology, with a focus on the subfield of political anthropology.

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Postdoc position in Microbiology

The Department of Food Science, Section of Microbiology, Gut Health, and Fermentation, invites applicants for a 2-year postdoc position in microbial community interactions. The fellowship will explore innovative approaches to reducing plant loss by using bacterial communities to enhance product longevity. The PhD position is part of a research project funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation: ‘BIOBARRIER: Bacterial Communities to Reduce Plant Food Loss.’ https://researchleaderprogramme

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211-1950/24-2I Postdoctoral Positions in Mathematics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences

Postdoctoral Positions in Mathematics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen is seeking top early-career researchers for a number of attractive one- to three-year postdoctoral positions. The application deadline is November 15, 2024, at midnight local time (11:59 p.m. CET), with starting date in 2025, ordinarily September 1 or October 1. Terms of employment

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PhD fellowship: Social and gender differences in health related consequences of caregiving for adult relatives with chronic disease

Department of Public Health, Section of Social Medicine invites applicants for a PhD fellowship investigating potential social and gender differences in health related consequences of caregiving for adult relative(s) with chronic disease. Start date is (expected to be) 1 February 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project

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PhD fellowship in Microbial Communities Interactions

The Department of Food Science, Section of Microbiology, Gut Health, and Fermentation invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in microbial community interactions. The fellowship will explore innovative approaches to reducing plant loss by using bacterial communities to enhance product longevity. The PhD position is part of a research project funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation: ‘BIOBARRIER: Bacterial Communities to Reduce Plant Food Loss.’ https://researchleaderprogramme

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PhD scholarship at the Department of Communication, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Applications are invited for a PhD scholarshipat the Department of Communication. The chosen candidate will be employed and enrol at the Faculty of Humanities under PhD School at the Faculty of Humanities The scholarship is for 3 years starting on 1 January 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The successful candidate will be appointed to the ERC-funded project “Women in the Nordic Enlightenment (WHENCE)

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PhD fellowship in Immunology at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology (ISIM)

We are offering a PhD fellowship in Immunology commencing from January 2025 or as close to this time as feasible. Our group and research The Allergic Inflammation group at the Leo Foundation Skin Immunology Research Centre within ISIM is led by Jonathan Coquet. Our interests revolve around understanding the fundamentals of allergic inflammation

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Research Assistant and Ph.D Fellowship in Forensic Medicine

The Department of Forensic Medicine, Section of Forensic Pathology and Clinical Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Health Science at University of Copenhagen is offering a position as research assistant with a 6-month duration starting at the 1st of December 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter, followed by a Ph.D.- scholarship. Project description The overall aim of the Ph.D

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Eksterne lektorer på Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, blok 3 og 4, 2025

Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik søger eksterne lektorer til ansættelse med undervisning i kurserne i fagets videnskabstori, som udbydes på bacheloruddannelserne på SCIENCE i perioden februar-juni 2025, blok 3 og 4. Der er ledige stillinger på følgende kursus: Blok 3: Videnskabsteori for datalogi- økonomi (VtDatØk) Videnskabsteori for matematiske fag (VtMat) Blok 4 Videnskabsteori for datalogi (VtDat) Videnskabsteori og etik for fysikere (VtFys)

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Laboratorieassistent (deltid) til Laboratorium for Eksperimentel Immunologi

Ved Institut for Immunologi og Mikrobiologi, Laboratorium for Eksperimentel Immunologi, er en stilling som laboratorieassistent med en ugentlig arbejdstid på 5 timer ledig til besættelse pr. 15. november 2024. Arbejdstiden er fleksibel med 5 timer fordelt i løbet af ugen, hvor du som udgangspunkt vil organisere organoider i projekter, inklusive tilhørende data-administration. Laboratorium for Eksperimentel Immunologi er placeret på 13. etage i Mærsk Tårnet og gruppen består 10 medarbejdere.

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Instruktorater på Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, blok 3 og 4, 2025

Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik søger instruktorer på kurserne i fagets videnskabstori, som udbydes på bacheloruddannelserne på SCIENCE i perioden februar-juni 2025, blok 3 og 4. Der er ledige stillinger på følgende kursus: Blok 3: Videnskabsteori for datalogi- økonomi (VtDatØk) Videnskabsteori for matematiske fag (VtMat) Blok 4 Videnskabsteori for datalogi (VtDat) Videnskabsteori og etik for fysikere (VtFys)

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Få et spændende og udviklende studiejob på et internationalt kontor i HR-afdelingen på Københavns Universitet

International Staff Mobility (ISM) søger en ny studerende, som kan assistere vores Dual Career team med at facilitere og koordinere events, administrere SoMe kanaler, producere månedlige nyhedsbreve, samt løse diverse administrative opgaver. Yderligere vil der efter behov være arbejdsopgaver inden for sagsbehandling af de internationale forskeres opholdsgrundlag i Danmark.

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Laborant til Institut for Farmaci

Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet Institut for Farmaci søger en engageret laborant med teknisk snilde, til en stilling der indebærer opgaver indenfor undervisning og forskning i fremstilling af lægemidler. Du kan have erfaring eller være nyuddannet. Stillingen ønskes besat 1. januar 2025 eller snarest muligt herefter. Om Institut for Farmaci Institut for Farmaci beskæftiger sig med forskning, undervisning og formidling vedrørende lægemidler

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Postdoc of Chemistry – Organic Synthesis

Postdoc of Chemistry – Organic Synthesis Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen The position is in the field of organic synthesis in the group of Prof. Mogens Brøndsted Nielsen. The synthesis-driven project focuses on functional pi-conjugated molecules, and specifically polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons containing redox-active groups will be targeted

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Postdoctoral fellowship in cosmochemistry and planetary sciences

Globe Institute Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The Centre for Star and Planet Formation at the Globe Institute is offering a postdoctoral fellowship in the field of cosmochemistry and planetary sciences. The fellowship is available from December 1 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter.

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PhD Fellowship in machine learning for protein function

Machine Learning for LIfe Science (MLLS), Department of Biology Faculty of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen The Machine Learning for LIfe Science (MLLS) Center invites applications for a PhD Fellow position starting in October 2024, or as soon as possible after that. The position is within the scope of MLLS and the CAZAI project, both of which are funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation Data Science Initiative

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Postdoc in Population Genomics focused on Greenlandic land mammals

Project The postdoc will be working on an exciting population genomics project about Greenlandic land mammals, including arctic fox, caribou, arctic hare, wolves, and lemmings. She/he will have the opportunity to analyse several whole genome datasets, which will be ready to be analysed from day 1. You can read about the project here: https://www.carlsbergfondet.dk/det-har-vi-stoettet/cf20-0539/. It is a collaboration with The Greenland Institute of Natural Resources among others.

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Søg stillingen som systemleder (Application Manager) i KU-IT og vær med til at drive IT-indsatserne på Danmarks største universitet i en spændende IT-

Du får ca. 290 dygtige IT-kolleger, heraf 16 i Systemledelse & Styring alene, og du kommer til at arbejde i et fagligt miljø, hvor tværgående samarbejde, sparring og udvikling bliver vægtet højt, og hvor alle bidrager til Københavns Universitets målsætning om at være et universitet i verdensklasse. Sådan ser din nye arbejdsdag ud Du bliver en del af Udvikling & Systemer med en bred berøringsflade til resten af organisationen. Du kommer bl.a

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Postdoc in Computational Biology at Department of Microbiology and Immunology (ISIM)

We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc starting from 1 january 2025. The postdoc will be dedicated to understanding allergic immunity at a fundamental level. Information on the department can be found at: https://sic.ku.dk/research/ Our research The Allergic Inflammation group at the Leo Foundation Skin Immunology Research Centre within ISIM is led by Jonathan Coquet. Our interests revolve around understanding the fundamentals of allergic inflammation

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PhD fellowship in Climate change vulnerability and attribution at the Department of Public Health Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

We are offering a PhD fellowship with focus on climate change, vulnerability, attribution and health commencing, the 1st of Jan 2025 or as soon as possible hereafter. Project description The PhD student will work on a DANIDA funded study on Vulnerability and Attribution in Kenya. In recent years, climate scientists have been able to measure the extent to which human-caused climate change is responsible for changes in the frequency and magnitude of such weather events

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Engageret jurist til Rektorsekretariatets juridiske afdeling

I Rektorsekretariatets juridiske afdeling på Københavns Universitet, søger vi en jurist, der dels indgår som central person i universitetets whistleblowerenhed, dels bidrager aktivt til opgaveløsningen på det generelle juridiske område. Et ambitiøst universitet Københavns Universitet er Danmarks største universitet med en omsætning på ca. 10 mia. kr., 10.000 ansatte og 40.000 studerende

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AC-fuldmægtig (international koordinator) til SCIENCE Uddannelse

AC-fuldmægtig (international koordinator) til SCIENCE Uddannelse Vi søger en AC-fuldmægtig (barselsvikar) til ansættelse på fuld tid fra 1. november 2024 (eller snarest derefter) til 31. august 2025. Hvem er vi? I SCIENCE Uddannelse er vi ca. 90 medarbejdere, der varetager den daglige drift og udvikling på uddannelsesområdet for fakultetets bachelor-, kandidat-, masteruddannelser. Derudover understøtter vi også Ph.d.-skolen på SCIENCE.

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To introduktionsstillinger på Retsmedicinsk Institut

Ved Retspatologisk Afdeling (RPA), Retsmedicinsk Institut, Københavns Universitet ønskes to introduktionsstillinger besat med start 1. december 2024 og 1. januar 2025 eller snarest derefter. Stillingerne er tidsbegrænset til et år. Introduktionsuddannelsen omfatter de basale kompetencer inden for retspatologi, klinisk retsmedicin og patologisk anatomi. Der vil også være mulighed for at indgå i afdelingens forskning. Uddannelsesprogrammet knyttet til introduktionsstillingen kan ses på www

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Københavns Universitet, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab (FOOD), Sektion for Ingrediens og Mejeri Teknologi (IDT), søger 1 laborantpraktikant med ansættelse i 1 år fra 1.februar 2025. Sektionen for Ingrediens- og Mejeriteknologi søger 1 laborantpraktikant, til et internationalt forsknings- og uddannelsesmiljø. Sektionen består af tre forskningsgrupper; Food Protein, Molecular Food Science, and Dairy and Food Processing.

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Student ved CEO, Center for Erhvervsret og Offentlig Regulering, Det Juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet

Center for Erhvervsret og Offentlig Regulering (CEO) søger en student til at bistå centrets videnskabelige medarbejdere med arbejdet med Miljøretlig Forskningsportal. Tiltrædelse af stilling kan ske fra 1. oktober 2024. CEO er et både nationalt og internationalt orienteret forskningscenter, der arbejder med markeds- og erhvervsretlige problemstillinger

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Ledelsessekretær til Institut for Farmaci

Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet PHARMA Administrationen søger en engageret og selvstændig ledelsessekretær, der har erfaring med ledelsesbetjening. Stillingen er permanent og på 30-37 timer og kan tiltrædes snarest eller senest d. 1. november 2024. Om os PHARMA Administrationen er den fælles administration, som betjener de to institutter, der forsker og uddanner kandidater inden for lægemiddelfremstilling og lægemidlers virkning i kroppen

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Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet Ved Institut for Plante- og Miljøvidenskab, sektionen for Miljøkemi og Fysik, Økotoksikologi søger vi én Laborantpraktikant. Stillingen er til besættelse fra 1. februar 2025. Ansøgningsfrist: 6. Oktober 2024. Arbejdsmiljø I sektionen for Miljøkemi og Fysik, i gruppen Økotoksikologi arbejder vi med økotoksikologi og miljøkemiske analyser med hovedvægt på jord- og vandmiljøet

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Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet Ved Institut for Plante- og Miljøvidenskab, sektionen for Miljøkemi og Fysik søger vi én Laborantpraktikant. Stillingen er til besættelse fra 1. februar 2025. Ansøgningsfrist: 6. oktober 2024. Arbejdsmiljø I sektionen for Miljøkemi og Fysik arbejder vi med miljøkemiske analyser med hoved fokus på jord- og vandmiljøet. Vi er et internationalt forskningsmiljø med udenlandske gæsteforskere og mange studerende

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Institut for Kommunikation (Center for Subjektivitetsforskning) søger studerende

Vi søger en studerende til Center for Subjektivitetsforskning (CFS). Læs mere om centret her. Arbejdsopgaver: Du skal indgå i arbejdet med at: • Forberede løbende opslag på centrets SoMe-kanaler • Udarbejde centerets nyhedsbrev • Stå for løbende opdateringer af centrets hjemmeside. • Hjælpe med at forberede faglige events, samt praktisk hjælp under afviklingen af disse events. Vi forventer, at du: • Er fleksibel. • Har overblik og tager ansvar.

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Studenterkoordinator til SCIENCE Skoletjeneste og Cirkus Naturligvis

Cirkus Naturligvis er en skoletjeneste, der underviser i naturvidenskab til grundskoleklassetrinnene 4. til 10. klasse på tværs af skoler på hele Sjælland, Lolland og Falster. Som en del af SCIENCE fakultetet på Københavns Universitet er det vores mål at bidrage til øget fascination, undren og interesse for de naturvidenskabelige fag

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Postdoctoral fellow for mass spectrometry based proteomics investigation of disease mechanisms

Job Description The Cardiac Proteomics Group at Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen seeks to appoint a talented postdoctoral fellow to outline protein regulations involved in the pathogenesis of cardiometabolic syndrome

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211-1951/24-2I Postdoctoral Positions in Statistics and the Mathematics of Insurance and Economics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences

Postdoctoral Positions in Statistics and the Mathematics of Insurance and Economics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen is seeking top early-career researchers for a number of attractive one-to-three-year postdoctoral positions. The application deadline is November 15, 2024, at midnight local time (11:59 p.m. CET), with starting date in 2025, ordinarily September 1 or October 1. Terms of employment

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PhD fellow for mass spectrometry based proteomics investigation of disease mechanisms

Job Description The Cardiac Proteomics Group at Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen seeks to appoint a talented PhD fellow to outline protein regulations involved in the pathogenesis of cardiometabolic syndrome. The research fellow will investigate remodeling in hearts from animal models, patient samples as well as cell systems using quantitative proteomics-based approaches to identify molecular changes driving the disease state

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Ambitiøs program manager til innovationsprogrammet SPARK Denmark

Brænder du for at bringe innovation fra akademisk forskning til industrien? Er du dygtig til at netværke, få folk engageret og være tovholder for processer, møder og initiativer? Og har du lyst til at knytte forskerne på universiteterne og eksperter og iværksættere fra den private sektor tættere sammen? Så kan du være med til at opbygge og implementere SPARK Translational Research Program i Danmark i rolle som en af to program managers i SPARK Denmark.

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Researcher position in the Hickson Group at the DNRF Center for Chromosome Stability (CCS), Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (ICMM)

A position as a Researcher is available in the Center for Chromosome Stability (CCS) (www.ccs.ku.dk) in the group headed by Prof. Ian Hickson. The post is available from 1st January 2025 or after agreement. Highly motivated and committed candidates with an interest in chromosome mechanics and biology are encouraged to apply. The Center for Chromosome Stability

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Postdoc in Immunology at Department of Microbiology and Immunology (ISIM)

We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc for a minimum two-year position starting from 1 January, 2025. The postdoc will be dedicated to understanding allergic immunity at a fundamental level. Information on the department can be found at: https://sic.ku.dk/research/ Our research The Allergic Inflammation group at the Leo Foundation Skin Immunology Research Centre within ISIM is led by Jonathan Coquet

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Postdoc in Parasite Immunology at Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Postdoc in Parasite Immunology at Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc for a 2 year position to commence 1 February 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. The postdoc will be part of the Parasites, Immunology and Gut Health (PIGH) group in the Section for Parasitology and Aquatic Pathobiology. A list of the group’s publications can be found at:

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Three Group Leaders (Associate Professor or Professor) in Cardiometabolic Health and Disease

Three Group Leaders (Associate Professor or Professor) in Cardiometabolic Health and Disease Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University of Copenhagen seeks to appoint up to three Group Leaders at Associate Professor or Professor level in Cardiometabolic Health and Disease to the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR) commencing in April 2025, or after agreement

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Vi søger 2 MS SQL Server databaseadministratorer til dynamisk og udviklende IT- afdeling på Danmarks største universitet

Vil du gøre en forskel for 40.000 studerende og 10.000 ansatte på Københavns Universitet? Vil du have ca. 290 dygtige IT-kolleger, som selv drifter, tilpasser, udvikler og supporterer et væld af IT-løsninger? Og vil du sikre dig, at du kan holde dig fagligt opdateret via løbende kompetenceudvikling? Så har vi jobbet til dig i KU-IT, universitetets IT-afdeling. Sådan ser din nye arbejdsdag ud

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Postdoctoral Position in Law - Legal and Policy Framework for Green Hydrogen Transport Innovation Ecosystems in the North Sea Region

Postdoctoral Position in Law - Legal and Policy Framework for Green Hydrogen Transport Innovation Ecosystems in the North Sea Region The Center for Climate Change Law and Governance (CLIMA) at the Faculty of Law of the University of Copenhagen, is seeking applicants for a postdoctoral position in climate change and the social contract in the EU.

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PhD stipends in Mathematics

Department of Mathematical Sciences (MATH) invites applicants for PhD stipends in mathematics. The start date is ordinarily September 1, 2025, but can be subject to negotiation. There will be PhD stipends available in: • Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry, Applied algebra, Combinatorics, Geometric group theory, Geometry and Geometric Analysis, Number Theory, Representation Theory, and Topology as covered by the section Algebra & Geometry and Copenhagen Center for Geometry & Topology (GeoTop).

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PhD stipends in Statistics and the mathematics of Insurance and Economics

Department of Mathematical Sciences (MATH) invites applications for PhD stipends in applied mathematics, including statistics and the mathematics of insurance and economics. The start date is ordinarily September 1, 2025 but can be subject to negotiation. The project There will be PhD stipends available in • Statistics, mathematics-economics, and actuarial science in general (not associated with a prespecified project; contact Helle Sørensen, [email protected])

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Dekan for Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet - SCIENCE

Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet - SCIENCE er ét af i alt seks fakulteter på Københavns Universitet. Fakultetet spiller en væsentlig rolle i realiseringen af Københavns Universitets nye Strategi 2030 – til gavn for flere, som bl.a. har bæredygtighed som et centralt omdrejningspunkt. Dekanen leder fakultetet og indgår samtidig i den øverste ledelse af universitetet.

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Postdoc in Neuroscience at UCPH – Develop innovative Open Science Tools

Department of Neuroscience Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen Are you passionate about advancing neuroscience through innovative open science tools? Join our team at the University of Copenhagen as a Postdoctoral Fellow, where you'll contribute to the development of BrainSTEM.org, a pioneering platform for neurophysiological research. Position overview

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Postdoc in machine learning and quantum computing for health data science

Department of Computer Science Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen A senior postdoc position (2 years) is available in the group of Professor Anders Krogh. The group focusses on development of deep generative models, quantum computing, and applications to medical data. We are seeking a postdoc to do research on:

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Postdoc in Hyperspectral image analysis

The Terrestrial Ecosystem Analysis group at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management invite for applications for a postdoctoral position onboard the VILLUM-funded project “Arctic biogenic volatile compounds from above” (AVOCA). We offer a two-year position to be filled by 1st December 2024 or as soon as possible after. About the project

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A PhD position in ATMP development at reNEW Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine (reNEW) at Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen is looking for a PhD candidate to join the Jensen group starting 1 November 2024 or upon agreement. You will be part of an interdisciplinary team involved in the development of a cutting-edge stem cell therapy for treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis. The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW

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PhD Project in Image analysis of hyperspectral UAV remote sensing

The Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in the use of multi- and hyperspectral UAV data for studying biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions from Arctic tundra. The project is part of the research project “AVOCA”, funded by the Villum Foundation. Start date is (expected to be) 1 January 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project

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Rektor til Københavns Universitet

Københavns Universitet søger en ny rektor. Københavns Universitet er Danmarks største og ældste universitet: Et ledende universitet i Europa og en central samfundsaktør, som, med flere end 36.000 studerende, ca. 10.000 medarbejdere og en årlig omsætning på 10,4 mia. kr., skaber værdi ved at levere forskning og kandidater på højeste internationale niveau.

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Kvik og struktureret studentermedhjælper søges til at være mine ekstra øjne

Jeg søger en kvik, struktureret og pålidelig studerende til at hjælpe mig. Du skal være min synstolk ved en lang række spændende og udfordrende opgaver, da jeg har et svært nedsat syn. Du vil gennem mit nationale og internationale forsknings- og uddannelsesarbejde få mulighed for at snuse til en række områder og møde mange spændende personer i mit netværk. Arbejdet vil give dig et unikt indblik i sundhedsvæsenet, uddannelsessektoren og forskningsverdenen.

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162454 Associate Professor of Innate Immunology for Chronic Infections 80% (permanent position)

Department of Immunology and Microbiology Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint an associate professor to the Department of Immunology and Microbiology to commence on 1 January 2025. Information on the Department can be found at: https://sund.ku.dk/. Job description

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Postdoc Positions in Proteomics and Genomics at University of Copenhagen

Two highly attractive postdoctoral positions are available in the Choudhary group at the University of Copenhagen. About the groups The Choudhary lab is technically and internationally diverse and embedded in an excellent environment that supports high-quality research and encourages interdisciplinary collaboration

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162248 Professor in Veterinary Clinical Pathology

Department of Veterinary Clinical SciencesFaculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint a professor in Veterinary Clinical Pathology to the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences to commence as soon as possible. Information on the Department can be found at: https://www.sund.ku.dk/ and www.ikv.ku.dk/english. About us

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PhD fellowship in Innovative Data-driven Solutions for Sustainable Cattle Farming

We are offering a PhD fellowship in data-driven solutions for sustainable cattle farming commencing 1 January 2025 or after agreement. Our group and research The Herd Management group currently consists of 7 people and is expanding. We are a group of researchers conducting applied animal science and veterinary research to benefit production animals, their owners, veterinarians and advisors, and public health

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PhD fellowship in Veterinary Epidemiology

We are offering a PhD fellowship in Veterinary Epidemiology commencing 1 February 2025 or after agreement. Our group and research In our section we are approximately 50 employees working with production, nutrition and health aspects in livestock, mainly pigs and cattle. The PhD fellow will be a part of the Data and Modelling Group, with approximately 10 employees

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Laborantpraktikant - Er det noget for dig at arbejde med dyr? Ansættelse 1. februar 2025 og 1. september 2025

Ved Veterinært Diagnostisk Laboratorium, Institut for Klinisk Veterinærmedicin, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet ønskes to stillinger som laborantpraktikanter besat. Både en stilling fra den 1. februar 2025 til 30. januar 2026 samt en stilling fra den 1. september 2025 til 31. august 2026. Stillingerne er uddannelsesstillinger, og der kan ikke påregnes ansættelse efter endt uddannelse.

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Postdoc on Life cycle Assessment of Nutrient Recycling Technologies from Sewage Sludge and Food Industrial Residues

Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Section of Soil and Plant Sciences invites applicants Life cycle Assessment of Nutrient Recycling Technologies from Sewage Sludge and Industrial Residues. Start date is 1 January 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter and the position has a duration of 29 Months. Nutrient recycling is a prerequisite for a sustainable development of our societies

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Eksternt finansieret klinisk lektorat, subsidiært klinisk undervisningslektorat ved Institut for Klinisk Medicin

Ved Institut for Klinisk Medicin opslås en 5-årig stilling som klinisk lektor (sats C), subsidiært klinisk undervisningslektor, til besættelse i perioden 1. februar 2025 til 31. januar 2030. En klinisk lektorstilling er en deltidsstilling med henblik på varetagelse af kvalificerede undervisningsopgaver, herunder eksamen for medicinstuderende ved sygehuse, der varetager undervisning i kliniske fagområder.

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Computational and experimental Researcher in human intestinal gut microbiome and plasma metabolome research

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, University of Copenhagen We are seeking a highly motivated and dynamic Researcher with competence in both computational analysis and experimental rodent, cellular and molecular experimental validation of human intestinal microbiome and plasma metabolome research. The position is anchored in the research team of Associate Professor Tune Pers at Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, University of Copenhagen.

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Postdoctoral fellowship in bioinformatics, genomics, multi-omics, and machine learning.

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, University of Copenhagen We are looking to hire a highly motivated and dynamic Postdoc with a Ph.D. to join the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Candidates should have a strong background in bioinformatics, genomics, multi-omics integration, and/or machine learning, and be interested in diabetes and cardiovascular disease

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Postdoc in Molecular Pharmacology at

Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc who has a strong profile within molecular pharmacology of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) for a 3-year position commencing December 1st, 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter. The Postdoc will work in the Molecular Pharmacology group led by Associate Professor Alexander S. Hauser (https://drug.ku

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162439 Center leader for The Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education

Center leader for The Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology University of Copenhagen The new Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education anchored at the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen is seeking a dedicated and innovative Center leader from February 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. We are looking for candidates at either associate professor or at professor level. About the Center

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Eksternt finansieret klinisk lektorat, subsidiært klinisk undervisningslektorat til CAMES ved Institut for Klinisk Medicin

Ved Institut for Klinisk Medicin opslås en 5-årig stilling som klinisk lektor (sats C), subsidiært klinisk undervisningslektor, ved CAMES - Rigshospitalet til besættelse i perioden 1. februar 2025 til 31. januar 2030. En klinisk lektorstilling er en deltidsstilling med henblik på varetagelse af kvalificerede undervisningsopgaver, herunder eksamen for medicinstuderende ved sygehuse, der varetager undervisning i kliniske fagområder.

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Kliniske lektorater med funktion som Absalonansvarlig lektor

Ved Institut for Klinisk Medicin opslås fire 5-årige stillinger som klinisk lektor, subsidiært klinisk undervisningslektor, med funktion som Absalonansvarlig lektor til besættelse i perioden 1. februar 2025 til 31. januar 2030. Stillingsindhold Formålet med stillingen er at administrere og vedligeholde kursusrum på læringsplatformen Absalon i den kliniske undervisning

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Søg stillingen som netværksspecialist og vær med til at implementere Ciscos nye teknologi til Danmarks største universitet i en spændende it-afdeling

Vil du gøre en forskel for 40.000 studerende og 10.000 ansatte på Københavns Universitet? Vil du have ca. 290 dygtige it-kolleger, som selv drifter, tilpasser, udvikler og supporterer et væld af it-løsninger? Og vil du sikre dig, at du kan holde dig fagligt opdateret via løbende kompetenceudvikling? Så har vi jobbet til dig i KU-IT, universitetets it-afdeling. Sådan ser din nye arbejdsdag ud

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Weekendvagter til pasning og tilsyn med mus og rotter i forsøg

Sektion for Præklinisk Sygdomsbiologi ved Institut for Veterinær- og Husdyrvidenskab har behov for ansættelse af 2 weekendvagter til sin smådyrsstald beliggende i Bartholinsgade i København K. med tiltrædelse 1. december 2024 eller efter aftale. Arbejdsopgaver

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Postdoc in Ribosome Specialization in Colorectal Cancer at the Biotech Research and Innovation Centre

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc for a 3-year position to join the Lund Group. Our research Our team aims to understand how ribosome specialization leads to the instalment of translational programs and how these processes are hijacked in human disease

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Postdoc of Materials Chemistry and X-ray total scattering

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science at University of Copenhagen is offering one or more postdoc positions (18-24 months) commencing 1 December 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The positions are within materials chemistry with a strong focus on the use of X-ray scattering methods for characterization of atomic structure, as well as understanding material synthesis pathways.

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Søg stillingen som projektleder i KU-IT og vær med til at drive it-projekterne på Danmarks største universitet i en spændende it-afdeling

Du får ca. 290 dygtige it-kolleger, heraf 70 i Udvikling & systemer alene, og du kommer til at arbejde i et fagligt miljø, hvor tværgående samarbejde, sparring og udvikling bliver vægtet meget højt, og hvor alle bidrager til Københavns Universitets målsætning om at være et universitet i verdensklasse. Som projektleder vil du blive en del af gruppen ’Projektledelse & processer’. Gruppen består af 16 engagerede og fagligt stærke projektledere med forskellig baggrund, erfaring og alder

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IT-arkitekter til Danmarks største universitet

Har du lyst til at være med til at sætte retningen for den fortsatte digitalisering af Københavns Universitet? Trives du med at være en del af en faglig stærk arkitektgruppe, som har kompetencer inden for alle arkitekturdisciplinerne? Ønsker du et arbejde, hvor du kan sætte dine forskellige fagligheder i spil? Så har vi jobbet til dig i KU-IT, Københavns Universitets IT-afdeling, hvor vi lige nu leder efter en eller flere IT-arkitekter. Hvad er KU-IT? I KU-IT arbejder ca

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Postdoc in Germline Development

We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic researcher for a 2-year postdoctoral position, with the possibility of extension, to commence January 2025 or after agreement. The position will be based in the Stewart-Morgan group at the Department for Cellular and Molecular Medicine (ICMM) within the University of Copenhagen. Information on the group can be found at: https://icmm.ku.dk/english/research-groups/stewart-morgan-group/ Our research

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Mass Spectrometry Application Associate (various levels) for the Proteomics Research Infrastructure

Proteomics Research Infrastructure, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen is looking for a Mass Spectrometry Application Associate to join the team. About us The Proteomics Research Infrastructure (PRI) is a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS) based proteomics research facility located at the faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen.

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Københavns Universitet, Det Natur og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab (FOOD), søger 2 laborantpraktikanter med ansættelse i 1 år fra 1. februar 2025. Stillingen er på fuld tid. Du tilbydes en uddannelse i et spændende, kreativt og attraktivt forsknings- og undervisningsmiljø inden for levnedsmiddelområdet. Institut for Fødevarevidenskab ligger centralt på Frederiksberg (København) i en nyere bygning med gode laboratoriefaciliteter.

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Postdoctoral position in Marine volatile interactions

A post doc position is available within the Center for Volatile Interactions (VOLT), at the Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen. The appointment is for 2 years, and the starting date is December 1st, 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. Scientific environment The successful candidate becomes an integrated part of the Center for Volatile Interactions, led by Prof. Riikka Rinnan

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Postdoctoral position in law or sociology of law, University of Copenhagen

The Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, is seeking applications for a postdoctoral position under the research project ‘Non-Muslim Islam’, which is funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark under the Sapere Aude program 2023 and headed by Associate Professor, Jesper Petersen, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen. The postdoctoral position is available from 1 January 2025 and for the duration of 22 months.

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Tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor in Metagenomics/Microbiomics

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen, Denmark The Department of Biology at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for a position as Tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor in Metagenomics/Microbiomics. The position is to be filled by April 1st 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter, subject to negotiation. Description of the position

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PhD Project in extragalactic stellar streams

DARK, Niels Bohr Institute invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Extragalactic Stellar Streams. The project is part of the research project “Decoding Dark Matter with Stellar Streams Beyond the Milky Way”, led by Sarah Pearson. Start date is (expected to be) September 1st, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project The project involves exploring what we can learn about dark matter from extragalactic stellar streams. Who are we looking for?

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Postdoctoral fellowship in data science, epidemiology, bioinformatics, and genomics

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research University of Copenhagen We are looking to hire a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc with a PhD to join the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Candidates should have a strong background in data science, epidemiology, bioinformatics, machine learning, and/or genomic medicine and be interested in diabetes and cardiovascular disease

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Klinikdyrlæge til internship på Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr (opslag til løbende besættelse af ledige stillinger)

Har du lyst til at være en del af et spændende universitetsmiljø, hvor du dagligt kan suge til dig af specialistviden og sparring og bare blive dygtigere og dygtigere? Har du lyst til at blive en del af vores fantastiske team af interns og hospitalsdyrlæger, som hjælper hinanden både fagligt og praktisk i en uddannelsesstilling?

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Autoriseret veterinærsygeplejerske søges til flere af vores fantastiske teams på Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr (opslag til løbende besættelse

Om Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr På Universitetshospitalet underviser og forsker vi i sygdomme hos familiedyr. Hospitalet er døgnåbent, og vores dyrlægestuderende er med døgnet rundt i alle vores afdelinger. Det er dyrlægerne, som har det primære ansvar for undervisningen, men som veterinærsygeplejerske involverer du dem også i dit arbejde, og superviserer dem i at opnå de praktiske kliniske færdigheder. Vi tilbyder dig at blive en del af en af vores dynamiske og tværfaglige teams

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Postdoc in Cancer Epigenetics at Center for Protein Research

We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc with expertise in chromatin biology to develop new epigenetic approaches for cancer treatment. This is a 3-year position with start 15 November 2024, or after agreement. The successful candidate will work at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research (CPR) in the Chromatin Replication and Epigenome Maintenance research group headed by Prof. Anja Groth. More information on the CPR can be found at: https://www.cpr.ku.dk

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Postdoctoral position in Sociology of Food

The Department of Anthropology and Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invite candidates for a postdoctoral position in Sociology of Food from December 1, 2024. The position is for 24 months. About the Project

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Postdoc in imaging of synaptic function at Department of Neuroscience

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic researcher for a 2-year position to start at December 1st 2024, or after agreement. The project includes the study of cellular models of neurodevelopmental delay and epilepsy using live cell imaging of neuronal activity. The purpose is to detect consequences of disease mutation on the circuit level using imaging methods, which will be amenable to drug discovery.

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Natural History Conservator position at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, Faculty of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen

The Natural History Museum of Denmark is seeking 2 experienced natural history conservators to join the Conservation Unit and assist with the preparation of objects for the new permanent galleries. The position is available from November 1st, 2024, or soon thereafter. Currently the position is funded for a 2-year period, with the possibility of extension.

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162398 Associate Professor in Peptide and Protein Medicinal Chemistry

Associate Professor in Peptide and Protein Medicinal Chemistry Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint an associate professor to the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology to commence March 1st 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

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PhD fellowship in Early Detection of Infection in PRRS-free herds at Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

We are offering a PhD fellowship in Porcine Herd Health Management commencing 1 January 2025 or as soon as possible hereafter. Our group and research Our research group is working within different areas of Porcine Herd Health Management, including herd diagnostics, prevention and prudent use of antibiotics for infectious and non-infectious diseases in pigs. The group consists of professors, senior researchers and research assistants, post docs, PhD students and residens of ECPHM.

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211-1899/24-2H PhD fellowship in Molecular Biology

PhD fellowship in Molecular Biology Department of Biology Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen Department of Biology, Section for Biomolecular Sciences invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in intracellular protein quality control and degradation. The start date is December 1st 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project

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Two Assistant Professor Positions (Tenure-Track) in New Testament Studies, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen

The Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen, invites applications for two (2) tenure-track Assistant Professor Positions in New Testament Studies to be filled by 1 January, or as soon as possible thereafter. Job description A tenure-track assistant professorship is a six-year, fixed-term academic position involving both research and teaching

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Postdoc position in Urban Frontiers

The Department of Food and Resource Economics invites applicants for a Postdoc position in "Urban Frontiers". The project is part of the research project, Urban Frontiers, directed by Professor Christian Lund ([email protected]). The project is funded by the European Research Council (ERC). Three 3-year Postdoc positions are advertised. Start date is expected to be January 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project

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PhD fellowship in Urban Frontiers

The Department of Food and Resource Economics invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Urban Frontiers. The project is part of the research project, Urban Frontiers, directed by Professor Christian Lund. The project is funded by the European Research Council (ERC). Three PhD positions are advertised. Start date is expected to be January 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project The world is currently undergoing the largest wave of urban growth in human history

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162159 Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine: Nephrology with Special Focus on Chronic Kidney Disease and Mineral Bone Disorder (Fixed-Term, 5 Years

Department of Clinical Medicine Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint a clinical professor of Internal Medicine: Nephrology with special focus on Chronic Kidney Disease and Mineral Bone Disorder to commence as soon as possible. The externally funded professorship is combined with a consultancy at Copenhagen University Hospital – Herlev and Gentofte, Department of Nephrology in the Capital Region.

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Postdoc in Systems Neuroscience at UCPH

Are you passionate about Systems Neuroscience, research in memory and cognition, and high-throughput electrophysiology in rodents? The Department of Neuroscience, University of Copenhagen, invites applications for a postdoc position in Systems Neuroscience. The starting date is 1 December 2024 or as soon as possible after that. The position is fixed-term, full-time, for two years, with the possibility of an extension. About the position:

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Ph.d.-stipendium knyttet til forskningspraksisprojektet Nysgerrighed, udvikling og visdom i seniorarbejdslivet (NUVIS) ved Saxo Instituttet, Det Human

Et ph.d.-stipendie er ledigtved Center for Humanistisk Sundhedsforskning, Saxo-Instituttet, Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet. Ph.d.-stipendiet er knyttet til forskningspraksisprojektet Nysgerrighed, udvikling og visdom i seniorarbejdslivet (NUVIS), der er finansieret gennem en bevilling fra Velux-Fonden. Stipendiet er for tre år med ansættelse fra 1. januar 2025 eller snarest muligt derefter. Den valgte kandidat vil blive indskrevet ved Ph.d

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Post doc position at the Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

A fully funded 2-year postdoctoral position within the field of bacterial antibiotic resistance is available in the group of Associate Professor Dorte Frees within the Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

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Museumsdirektør for Statens Naturhistoriske Museum

Københavns Universitet søger en museumsdirektør til at stå i spidsen for den største danske museumssatsning i nyere tid – det nye Statens Naturhistoriske Museum. Museet nærmer sig åbningen af den nye museumsbygning. Herefter skal der findes fremtidige bæredygtige magasinløsninger. Dette er omfattende opgaver, der i de næste år vil kræve stor involvering, nærvær og prioritering af tid fra museums-direktøren. Parallelt med dette er det bl.a

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162381 Associate Professor of Companion Animal Surgery

Associate Professor of Companion Animal Surgery, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint an associate professor to the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences to commence as soon as possible. Information on the Department can be found at https://ikv.ku.dk/english/. About us

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PhD fellowship in “Breaking Antimicrobial Resistance by Targeting Potentiators” at the Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

We are looking for a highly motivated and skilled molecular biologist for a 3-year PhD fellowship in molecular microbiology commencing on November the 15th 2024 or as soon as possible hereafter.

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162158 Professor of Palaeoproteomics

162158 Professor of Palaeoproteomics Globe InstituteFaculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint a professor to the Globe Institute to commence as soon as possible. The Globe Institute is part of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen. The Institute’s main purpose is to address basic scientific questions through interdisciplinary approaches

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Two Assistant Professors of Veterinary Anatomy and Pathology

We are looking for two highly motivated and dynamic assistant professors to the research group of Veterinary Anatomy and Pathology, Section of Pathobiology, Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences to commence 1 January 2025 or after agreement. Information on the Department can be found at: https://ivh.ku.dk/ Job description We are looking for highly motivated and enthusiastic scientists with relevant teaching competencies within veterinary anatomy and/or veterinary pathology.

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Postdoc of Astronomy

DARK, Niels Bohr Institute Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen Applicants are invited for 1-2 postdoctoral research positions - 3 years of employment, in extragalactic stellar streams in Sarah Pearson’s group at DARK, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. The positions are part of the larger project: “Decoding Dark Matter with Stellar Streams from Beyond the Milky Way.”

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CESE PhD fellowship in Science Education Research at IND

Nature Connectedness: Preparing Primary School Science Teachers to Connect their Students to the Natural World We invite applicants for a PhD fellowship to research how best to prepare primary school science teachers to enhance science instruction through their students’ experience of and connection to the natural world. The project is part of the Danish Science Education Academy (NAFA) and its research program: Center of Excellence in Science Education (CESE)

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Statens Naturhistoriske Museum søger værter til formidling og gæsteservice

Statens Naturhistoriske Museum ved Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet (SCIENCE), Københavns Universitet søger værter til formidling og gæsteservice med tiltrædelse den 1. november 2024. Som vært på Statens Naturhistoriske Museum skal du varetage formidling og gæsteservice i museets udstillinger og formidlingsområder. Værterne er museets ansigt udadtil og du skal derfor være imødekommende, pligtopfyldende og brænde for naturvidenskab og videnskabsformidling.

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Ph.d.-stipendium i Etnologi og Humanistisk Sundhedsforskning ved Saxo Instituttet, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet

Ph.d.-stipendium i Etnologi og Humanistisk Sundhedsforskning ved Saxo Instituttet, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet Et ph.d.-stipendie er ledigt ved Center for Humanistisk Sundhedsforskning (CoRe). Ph.d.-stipendiet er knyttet til det tværdisciplinære forskningsprojekt: Borgersensitive og helhedsorienterede sundhedsindsatser: Model for sundhedstilbud for socialt udsatte borgere, der er finansieret gennem en bevilling fra Velux Fondens HUMpraxis program.

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Postdoctoral position in journalistic fact checking, facts and truths in public debate at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

The Department of Communication (COMM), Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites applications for a postdoctoral position associated with the Carlsberg-funded project “Tell Me the Truth: Fact Checkers in an Age of Epistemic Instability” (The TMT project) to be filled by December 1, 2024,or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is a fixed term for 1 year and 6 months. The TMT project

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Tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor in Biomolecular Sciences

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen, Denmark The Department of Biology at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for a position as tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor in biomolecular sciences. The position is to be filled by March 1st, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter, subject to negotiation. Description of the position

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Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI) søger studerende til databehandling

Vi søger en dygtig og grundig studerende til databehandling ved grundforskningscenteret Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI) ved Økonomisk Institut, Københavns Universitet. CEBI belyser betydningen af menneskers adfærd og beslutningstagen for ulighed og økonomisk politik ved brug af data på individniveau. Forskningsprojekterne vil anvende Danmarks Statistiks registre samt andet data, fx genereret ved brug af økonomiske eksperimenter eller surveys. Arbejdsopgaver

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Postdoc in Veterinary Microbiology

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen We are looking for an experienced and highly motivated veterinary microbiologist for a 2-year postdoc position starting around 1st December 2024, with the potential for a contract extension. The new postdoc is expected to contribute to the scientific and teaching activities of the research group One Health Antimicrobial Resistance (OHAR) within the section of Veterinary Clinical Microbiology

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162157 Associate Professor or Assistant Professor of Veterinary Biochemistry

Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint an associate professor or assistant professorin Veterinary Biochemistry to the Section of Pathobiological Sciences, Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences to commence January 1st, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. Information on the Department can be found at: https://ivh.ku.dk/ Job description

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Postdoc in multi-omics foundation models

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University of Copenhagen is seeking a highly motivated and talented Postdoc fellow to commence on February 1, 2025, or after agreement in the Rasmussen Group at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR), University of Copenhagen. The Postdoc fellowship is part of the CBMR International PhD & Postdoc Program. About Us

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PhD in Molecular Underpinning and Targeting AMPK for Treatment of Insulin Resistance

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University of Copenhagen is seeking a highly motivated and talented PhD fellow to commence February 1, 2025, or after agreement in the Sakamoto Group at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR), University of Copenhagen. About Us

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PhD in Neurobiology of Energy Homeostasis

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University of Copenhagen is seeking a highly motivated and talented PhD fellow to commence February 1, 2025, or after agreement in the Clemmensen Group at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR), University of Copenhagen. The PhD fellowship is part of the CBMR International PhD & Postdoc Program. About Us

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Postdoc in Genetic Regulation of the Plasma Proteome and its Link to Cardiometabolic Disease in Greenlandic Inuit

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University of Copenhagen is seeking a highly motivated and talented Postdoc fellow to commence on February 1, 2025, or after agreement in the Hansen Group at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR), University of Copenhagen. The Postdoc fellowship is part of the CBMR International PhD & Postdoc Program. About Us

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Postdoc in Adipose tissue crosstalk

Postdoc in Adipose tissue crosstalk Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University of Copenhagen is seeking a highly motivated and talented Postdoc fellow to commence on February 1, 2025, or after agreement in the Schéele Group at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR), University of Copenhagen.

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Klinikdyrlæger - Taastrup (løbende opslag)

Institut for Klinisk Veterinærmedicin ved Københavns Universitet søger klinikdyrlæger til 3-årige stillinger, der bliver ledige hos os fra nu og i de kommende 6 måneder på Universitetshospitalet for Store Husdyr i Taastrup. Klinikdyrlægestillingen er en AC/TAP-stilling, som indebærer deltagelse i den kliniske undervisning, men er uden forskningsret-og pligt. Arbejdstiden er forskudt i væsentligt omfang. Om os

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Postdoctoral fellowship in spatial analysis of the tumor microenvironment

The Department of Biology invites applicants for a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship in spatial analysis of the tumor microenvironment. The project is part of the research project “Integrating spatial transcriptomics, live tumor microenvironment imaging and focused CRISPR screens for transformative insights in cancer biology”, which is financed by a Distinguished Investigator grant from The Novo Nordisk Foundation. Starting date is 15 November 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter.

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CESE PhD fellowship in Science Education Research at IND

Professional Identities of Primary and Lower Secondary Science Teachers: Similarities, Differences, and Development Potentials Department of Science Education Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen We invite applicants for a PhD fellowship researching professional identities among science teachers in Danish primary and lower secondary school. The project is part of the Danish Science Education Academy (NAFA) and its research program: Center of Excellence in Science Education (CESE)

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PhD fellowship in Large Language Models

Department of Computer Science Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen The Information Retrieval Lab of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen (DIKU) is offering a fully-funded PhD Fellowship, commencing 1 December 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is within Large Language Models. Our group and research - what do we offer? The PhD fellow will join the Information Retrieval Lab at the Machine Learning Section at DIKU

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PhD fellowship in Economic Geography

PhD Project in fair transition of the EU regional labour markets Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Section of Geography-People and Processes Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen The Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Section of Geography-People and Processes invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Economic Geography

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PhD fellowship in Eco-evolutionary Modelling of Pathogen Dynamics at the Globe Institute

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen We are offering a PhD fellowship in Eco-evolutionary Modelling of Pathogen Dynamics commencing January 6th, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. Our group The Racimo group is a research group based at the Globe Institute, specializing in evolutionary genomics, statistical modelling and computational analysis of ancient DNA

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Postdoctoral position in History of Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

The Department of Communication, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites applications for a postdoctoral position in History of Philosophy from 1 January 2025. The position is a full time fixed term position for 36 months. Introduction The postdoc will contribute to the ERC-funded project “Women in the Nordic Enlightenment (WHENCE)

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3 postdoctoral positions in digital media and communication research at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

The Department of Communication, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites applications for three postdoctoral positions in digital media and communication research beginning 1 January 2025,or as soon as possible thereafter. The positions are fixed term positions for three years. Introduction

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PhD scholarship in digital media and communication research at the Department of Communication, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship in digital media and communication researchat the Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen. The successful candidate will be employed at the Faculty of Humanities and enrolled in the PhD School at the Faculty of Humanities. The scholarship is for 3 years starting 1 January 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. Introduction

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Postdoctoral Fellow: Earth System Modelling and Dynamics

We seek a Postdoctoral Fellow (PDF) in the field of earth system modelling for an 18-month appointment, starting 1 January 2025. The candidate should have experience in using the NCAR Community Earth System Model or a similar class of Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) models. The central goal of the project is to investigate simulated multiple equilibria of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) under modern climate conditions

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PhD fellowship in Earth Observation of Disturbed Wetlands

PhD fellowship in Earth Observation of Disturbed Wetlands: Taking Stock of High-Resolution Mapping in Support to Global Upscaling of GHG budget The Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Earth Observation of natural and human disturbances of wetlands using state-of-the-art satellite remote sensing systems

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PhD fellowship in social science of health promotion and public health - PhD Project in Women’s Menopausal Transitions at Work

Department of Public Health invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in the complexities of women’s menopausal transitions. The project is part of the interdisciplinary research center Women in Healthy Transition (KISO). Start date is (expected to be) 1 January 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project The PhD project consists of a qualitative in-depth study

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211-0212/24-2N Tenure track Assistant professor in Algorithms,

Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Algorithms Department of Computer Science Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen The Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for a position as Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Algorithms. The position is to be filled by 1 September 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter, subject to negotiation. We have a world-class research environment in Algorithms and Theoretical Computer Science

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Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Full Professor in Digital Health

Tenure Track Assistant professor/Associate Professor/ Full Professor in Digital Health Department of Computer Science Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen We invite applications for a position in Digital Health as either Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Full Professor at the Department of Computer Science (DIKU)

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PhD fellowships in cosmochemistry and planetary sciences at Globe Institute, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen

The Centre for Star and Planet Formation at the Globe Institute is offering a number of three-year PhD fellowships in the field of cosmochemistry and planetary sciences. The PhD fellowships are available from January 1 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. About Globe Institute The Globe Institute is part of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen. The Institute’s main purpose is to address basic scientific questions through interdisciplinary approaches

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Postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Copenhagen (History)

The Saxo Institute,in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Copenhagen is inviting applications for one postdoctoral fellowship in history starting on 1 January 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. This is a fixed-term position for 24 months. Job content

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Københavns Universitet (KU)

Nørregade 10, 1165 København K

Københavns Universitets mål er at drive forskning af højeste kvalitet, at tilbyde forskningsbaseret uddannelse til det højeste akademiske niveau, og at formidle ny og klassisk viden til såvel videnskabelige miljøer som til det omgivende samfund.

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