Aktuelle job hos Best Talent
Laboratoriechef, GMP Pharma, BIOFAC A/S / 1891
Virksomheden BIOFAC koncernen er beliggende i Kastrup. Det er en 100 % danskejet bioteknologisk virksomhed, der i mere end 70 år har produceret og udviklet API’er til lægemidler, råvarer og kosmetiske produkter til veterinær- og helsekostprodukter som markedsføres og sælges både i Danmark og til eksport. Virksomhedskulturen er uformel og rummelig med et stærkt fagligt fællesskab. BIOFAC A/S beskæftiger i alt 130 engagerede medarbejdere fordelt på deres fabrikker i Danmark
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Senior Account Manager Denmark, BÜCHI Labortechnik AG / 1890
The Company BÜCHI Labortechnik AG with headquarters in Flawil, Switzerland, is a leading provider of laboratory technology solutions for R&D, quality control and production worldwide. Established in 1939, BUCHI serves diverse industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food & beverage, feed, environmental analysis and academia. BÜCHI Labortechnik GmbH is a fully owned subsidiary of BÜCHI Labortechnik AG.
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Finance Manager, Ropox / 1889
The Company Giving people with disabilities a better life is core for Ropox. People with limited mobility deserve a life where they have the ability and freedom to safely take care of themselves. At the same time, their careers need optimum working conditions so they can spend their time where it is needed the most. Everything Ropox do is based on this philosophy and it has led the direction from the day the company started back in 1962 – and it still does.
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Business Development Manager Europe & APAC, MEQU / 1888
The Company °MEQU a Danish MedTech Start-up company placed in Copenhagen, manufactures the most effective portable blood and IV fluid warmer for use in emergency medical services and hospitals. °MEQU was founded in 2011 by Ulrik Krogh Andersen. The °M Warmer System was developed following a request from the Danish military to the Danish Technology University (DTU) to help prevent hypothermia and improve the survival and recovery rate of severely injured patients.
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QP GMP Compliance Specialist, BIOFAC/1886
Virksomheden BIOFAC A/S er en 100 % danskejet, bioteknologisk virksomhed, der i mere end 70 år har produceret og udviklet API’er til lægemidler, råvarer og kosmetiske produkter samt veterinær- og helsekostprodukter. BIOFAC A/S beskæftiger 140 engagerede medarbejdere fordelt på fem fabrikker i Danmark. I dag udgør eksport mere end 98 % af omsætningen.
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2 dygtige QA Specialister, BIOFAC/1884
Virksomheden BIOFAC A/S er en 100 % danskejet, bioteknologisk virksomhed, der i mere end 70 år har produceret og udviklet API’er til lægemidler, råvarer og kosmetiske produkter samt veterinær- og helsekostprodukter. BIOFAC A/S beskæftiger 140 engagerede medarbejdere fordelt på fem fabrikker i Danmark. I dag udgør eksport mere end 98 % af omsætningen.
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Global Pharmaceutical Account Manager, Brenntag Pharma / 1882 ON-HOLD
The Company Brenntag is the global market leader in chemical and specialty ingredients distribution and has a central role in the chemical industry´s value chain. Brenntag turns 150 years this year and has activities in 78 countries with more than 700 locations. With a revenue of 16,8 billion Euros, the company employs more than 17.500 people worldwide and serves more than 185.000 customers cross industries
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Kvalitetsingeniør GMP Pharma, Krüger/1880
Virksomheden Krüger er en international miljøvirksomhed med speciale i bæredygtig vandbehandling. De arbejder som rådgiver, entreprenør og leverandør af udstyr, løsninger og service inden for procesvand, drikkevand, spildevand, klimasikring og jordforurening. Krüger er førende, når det kommer til at udvikle og implementere banebrydende teknologier og løsninger, der reducerer de miljømæssige påvirkninger. I Danmark beskæftiger virksomheden ca
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Technical Transfer Project Manager, Manufacturing Science & Technology (MS&T), Orifarm / 1877
The Company In Orifarm, they aim to bring healthy days by making modern healthcare a better deal for the people and the societies they serve. Everyone should have access to modern medicine. High costs or lack of access to pharmaceuticals should never impact possibility to receive treatment or relief and live a healthy life
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