Aktuelle job hos Scantox A/S
- til Histologisk afdeling Scantox søger en ny kollega til vores Histologiske laboratorium. Som bioanalytiker/laborant hos os, vil du blive en del af et hold med både erfarne og nyuddannede, som alle løber efter samme bold. Vi søger en kollega med masser gå-på-mod og erfaring inden for histopatologi kan være af både større eller mindre grad.
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Laboratory animal veterinarian
- for Scantox Sweden, Lund Scantox Group is the leading preclinical contract research companyin the Nordic region. The company is within the Life Science industry and conducts studies for the pharmaceutical industry (pharma/medico/biotech), thus playing an important role in the development of new medicines. Our head office, locatedin Ejby, Lille Skensved close to Køge, Denmark is currently employing approx.160 employees
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CMC Project Director
Are you our new CMC Project Director with extensive experience within Product Development Scantox Ballerup part of Scantox Group (formerly Solural Pharma) has an exciting new position as CMC Project Director available and is looking for an experienced new colleague that can thrive with multiple development projects and coordination (project management).
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