7.440 talentprofiler

I had a master in Physics engineer and a bachelor in chemical engineer. I'm attending a second muster in Sustainable Energy at DTU Denmark. I'm very interested in the field of Fuel Cells.

Opdateret 08. september 2024
Well traveled, multilingual professional with extensive experience in domestic and international politics. Looking forward to a new and exciting career in Denmark!

Opdateret 08. september 2024
Nye udfordringer søges til motiveret ny udklækket professionsbachelor

Opdateret 08. september 2024
World-mind set, adventurous, outgoing, adaptable person.
Studying/ living experiences in abroad.
Fluency in English, native in Korean, basic skills in Spanish.

Opdateret 08. september 2024
I am a 29yr old Graduate from Ireland with MSc degrees from both the University of Copenhagen and the University of Göttingen as well as an Ma in International Tourism from the University of Limerick. I am outgoing, hard-working and willing to work.

Opdateret 08. september 2024
Jeg er en pligtopfyldende, dygtig og lærenem softwareudviklingsstuderende, der ønsker at undersøge mulighederne for et relevant studiejob.

Opdateret 08. september 2024
Bachelor degree in medicine and surgery (doctor of medicine degree)

Master in Biomedicine University of Skovde and University of Zurich

Master in Molecular Biology University of Skovde and Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Opdateret 08. september 2024
My Goal is to work on platforms that helps to achieve a vision of agriculture as a driver of food security, environmental sustainability and economic opportunity through global and local market-based approaches and public-private partnerships.

Opdateret 08. september 2024
My name is Karl Juroszek.
I am full time student on Professional Bachelor's Degree in Software Development program
at Copenhagen Business Academy. My expected graduation date is June of 2013.

Opdateret 08. september 2024
Master's thesis in collaboration with a company

Opdateret 08. september 2024
Studerer cand.merc. International Business på SDU i Odense. Interesserer mig meget for det asiatiske marked, og tager derfor 3. semester af kandidaten på et universitet i Seoul. Jeg er god analytisk, har et godt teoretisk fundament. Derudover er jeg hårdtarbejdende, struktureret, ambitiøs og m

Opdateret 08. september 2024
My name is Manish, currently pursuing education in “IT – Supporter” at TEC Ballerup, Copenhagen, Denmark. I am seriously in need of internship for 2 years from 1st of March 2013 so I could finish my education.

Opdateret 08. september 2024
I am Venkatesan N from India, holding Master's degree in Network Engineering in the field of Computer Science & Engineering. Being so curious in the network, I would like scale my move to the next step in Computer Networks by Research.

Opdateret 08. september 2024
Holding a Msc in Telecommunications and a Bsc. Computer Science with 5 year of working experience in SCADA systems in Wind Industry as application technical support and network operations.

Opdateret 08. september 2024
An enthusiastic and skilled civil engineer with proven abilities in designing relevant geotechnical projects (deep and shallow foundations, underpinning, earth retaining structures and slope stability) and structural projects (bridges and buildings).

Opdateret 08. september 2024
I have a degree in Business Administration and more than five years in Administrative and procurement work.Am open minded and believes in getting solutions.

Opdateret 08. september 2024
Well-educated Nano / Materials Engineer
Experimentalist and SMART with a good English knowledge
Well in working with computer and curious to know new technologies and increase my knowledge to my unknowns.

Opdateret 08. september 2024
Master's Degree in Mechatronics & Bachelor's Degree Mechanical from India.Working as Instructor in Mechanical Engineering. Previously worked as Master Chief Aircraft Artificer. knowledge and on job skills in Aircraft,Turbine engine MATLAB

Opdateret 08. september 2024
Im IT and Management student looking for part time or student job. Im interested in programming, management, project management and innovation. Im very flexible

Opdateret 08. september 2024
Studerende på kandidatdelen i Folkesundhedsvidenskab med særlig fokus på sundhedspolitik, organisation og analyse. Jeg arbejder aktuelt som student i Danske Regioners Analyseenhed. Jeg forventer at være færdig som kandidat sommeren 2015.

Opdateret 08. september 2024
researcher in urban transport
experinced and motivated young researcher in urban and transport planning/design
considerable international experince

Opdateret 08. september 2024
I have a Masters (Ottawa University) and have managed large multidonor projects (Asia, Latin America). I can advised on policy, budgets, and business plans on microfinance and value chain development, in English, French, Spanish. I know basic German.

Opdateret 08. september 2024
All that and more is me. The future, new technologies and science inspire me and motivate me. People like Peter Diamandis and Elon Musk are my role-models.
So if you need a:
- Enthusiastic
- Hard-Working
- Science-minded
Person - that's me.

Opdateret 08. september 2024
Jeg er en 25 årig 6. semester studerende på Digitale Medier og Design. Jeg elsker at fortælle historier, og jeg er god til det. Mine historie er med til at give designet liv og personlighed. Noget som brugeren kan forholde sig til.

Opdateret 08. september 2024
US-educated, globally centered student hoping to gain a bit of perspective in the social science realm. Intrigued by cultural differences, and eager to learn, I'm ready to take on reserach and prgoram development!

Opdateret 08. september 2024